Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 28/01/2013

Extrait du document

Ladies and gentlemen good morning , we get together , like all Wednesday morning , to speak about a topical issue in our country : The Immigration . So , do you think that the immigration is an reason of our economical and cultural development ? To answer to this question , we'll rely on testimonials of two immigrants : A children from Cuba , and rather elderly person from Pakistan . We also have the pleasure of welcoming a politician , specialized in the immigration and an humanitarian woman . So I hand over to you , Jerry Goley . Please , give us your first reactions and opinion about the subject . Hello! So , we must base ourselves on figures . Today we count 13% of American population was born abroad . Since the first European settlers arrived in the sixteenth century , more than 50 millions immigrants have settled in USA . ...

« My Father was a Republican , but when Fidel Castro , the communist , took the power during the cold war , he decided to take his chance in America .

So he crossed the border without us .

He found two job , one in parks and another as a cooker .

He sent us each month three quarter of his pay .

One day I remember that her boss called my mother .

We were informed his death .It was a hard blow for my mother and I .

So we have decided to leave everything to try one's luck in America .

There, we learned that our father had bequeathed us money, lots of money !!! Since then , my mother have found a new job , she is a foreingn language assistant .

She teach Spanich in San Diego university , a Mexico border city .

What about you .......

? So I'am from pakistan and I immigrated to USA a long time ago .

The reason my move is quite amazing because a terrorist group asked me if i would like to laid down my life in a car bomb explosion ! I can't believe that there are crazy people like that in the world , even in my worst nightmares .

So i turn down their proposition .

They threaten to killed all member of my family if I. »


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