It was with the "velvet revolution" of 1989 that Czechoslovakia put an end to the communist regime but the writer Vaclav Havel became Head of State and was then unable to withstand nationalist tensions.
Publié le 05/04/2015
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It was with the "velvet revolution" of 1989 that Czechoslovakia put an end to the communist regime but the writer Vaclav Havel became Head of State and was then unable to with...
Liens utiles
- Czechoslovakia put an end to the communist regime with the "velvet revolution" in 1989.
- In 1989, the Rumanian revolution ended in the execution of the Head of State and of the Party, Nicolas Ceausescu.
- Galileo I INTRODUCTION Galileo (1564-1642), Italian physicist and astronomer who, with German astronomer Johannes Kepler, initiated the scientific revolution that flowered in the work of English physicist Sir Isaac Newton.
- The Republic was proclaimed in 1946, but the country is notable for its chronic political instability reinforced by political and Mafia corruption at every level of the State.
- Every day I wake up to my phone whose alarm is the theme song of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, I walk to my bathroom and with every step, I hear another Jojo reference, I try to live a normal life saying I'm deaf but I lie, I can hear everything but everything is a Jojo reference, I tried to masturbate but with every stroke when my hand comes in contact with the base of my dick I don't hear a simple clap intead I hear a Jojo reference I tried to commit suicide but when I pulled the trigger