How The World Trade Centre Fail
Publié le 17/12/2012
Extrait du document
« Question : As the collapse of the towers was inevitable, we are wondering why nobody has forced the authorities to quickly remove lifeguards from this hell? This would have saved hundreds of lives. Why the autorities reacted like it ? I think they reacted like it because with the stress and the panic, the lifeguards wanted to save maximum people. May be, if they don’t do it, a lot of people accuse them to not help the victims. But I think that when you know that there are severals person who are trapped, You really want to help as you can. Moreover, I think nobody could know that the twins towers would smach . The first question raised by this text is: why the terrorists have done this? but we can not answer here because it will be so long. However, One of other reals Questions of this text shows us is: Indeed in this kind situation the question what you have to do ? Because every choice can have serious consequences. Here, we have clearly seen, that the authorities have not ordered at their men to get out of the towers, this has caused hundreds of additional deaths. So, how can really anticipate this? In the case of terrorism, all countries plane severals actions against terrorism. And they regularly simulate crisis to anticipate the most this kind of problems. To avoid mistakes that would cost hundreds of lives. After as we have seen, nobody is actually able to anticipate such situations because they are unimaginable to everyone.. »
Liens utiles
- HISTOIRE DU MONDE [History of the World].
- How High the Moon - analyse de l'oeuvre.
- World Trade Center (New York) - architecture.
- anywher out of the world
- World Trade Center (Architektur).