Devoir de Philosophie

Oral spécialité AMC " Is the monarchy in the Uk still popular since the coronation of King Charles ?"

Publié le 13/06/2024

Extrait du document

« Is the monarchy in the Uk still popular since the coronation of King Charles ? The British monarchy embodies much more than just a political institution; it is a living symbol of tradition and national identity.

For centuries, the monarchy has played a central role in British society, providing a historical and cultural anchor that transcends time. The significance of the monarchy lies firstly in a rich and complex history spanning centuries; the British monarchy is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the nation.

Moreover, the monarchy plays a crucial role in preserving traditions and symbolism.

Royal symbols, such as the Crown, represent not only power but also unity and national identity. However, the popularity of the British monarchy does not solely rest on its glorious past.

The royal family itself plays a crucial role in national culture.

Through their actions, members of the royal family embody British values of service and dedication.

Their presence in public life creates a link between the monarchy and the people, thus reinforcing its popular support. Since the coronation of King Charles, the question of the monarchy's popularity in the United Kingdom has become a focal point.

Opinions are divided, and many wonder about its popularity compared to his mother, Elizabeth II. So we are wondering if the monarchy in the UK is still popular since the coronation of King Charles? First we will study the differences in popularity between Elizabeth II and Charles III then we will study the future of the monarchy. We will answer this with the following 6 documents.

Documents 1 and 2 are press articles published respectively on the medium website in 2022 and in the time in 2023.

Document 3 is a caricature published in 2023 in the Wall Street Journal and document 4 are polls published in 2024 from the ipsos website.

And document 5 and 6 are press articles published in the Time in 2022. I) Popularity of Elizabeth II and King Charles III A) Charles’ popularity Firstly, Charles III encountered significant obstacles in gaining public favor even before his anticipated ascent to the throne.

Despite being the apparent successor to Queen Elizabeth II, his popularity paled in comparison to the widely respected monarch. Surveys examined in the press article of document 1 indicated a striking contrast between the popularity of Queen Elizabeth and his, with only 41% of Britons thinking he would make a good king, while 69% approved of the Queen's reign.

Some even expressed a desire to skip directly to Prince William's reign. One of the main reasons for Charles's lukewarm reception was his perceived disconnect from the daily concerns of Britons.

Unlike the Queen's neutral stance, Charles often expressed his viewpoint, raising doubts about his suitability as head of state.

Furthermore, Charles's personal life, especially his troubled marriage to Princess Diana, fueled public criticism and eroded trust in his leadership abilities. B) Charles & Elizabeth The different levels of popularity between Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles III are varied, stemming from various aspects of their personalities and public perceptions. As illustrated by Dave Whamond in his caricature published in the Wall Street Journal, Charles III is significantly less popular than his mother and would do anything to become so. In this caricature, the king is depicted during his coronation, wearing, instead of the crown, one of Queen Elizabeth's popular hats in the hope of becoming as popular as her, but unfortunately his wife, Camilla Parker, brings him back to reality.

This caricature offers a comic look at King Charles's situation, aware of the weight of the crown but struggling to endear himself to the English. Furthermore, the press article in document 2, published after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, examines public opinion following King Charles's coronation.

It states that support for Charles has decreased from 62% to 58%, and only 29% of the English consider the maintenance of the monarchy very important.

This data is the lowest ever recorded and is therefore linked to the new king's unpopularity compared to that of his mother. Indeed, Queen Elizabeth II was a figure of unparalleled reverence and respect, enjoying widespread admiration from both loyal royalists and those less devoted with the monarchy. Her reign spanned decades characterized by stability and.... »


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