Devoir de Philosophie

Systèmes d'information

Publié le 18/04/2014

Extrait du document

Information System : SAP (Systems, Applications and Products for data processing. It can be defined as a system in which the different business functions (accounting, finance, production, supply, marketing, human resources, quality, maintenance, etc..) are interconnected by the use of an information system based on a client / server configuration. Revenue:

« Prof i ts are key to any en te rp r ise, adm i ts Hs ieh, bu t he u l t i ma tely real ised t ha t a great company cul t u re should serve a h igher pu rpose.

A t Zappos, t h is means del ive r i ng happ iness and "wowing" customers w i t h except ional serv ice.

By concen t ra t i ng on t he happ iness of t hose around you, Hs ieh bel ieves, you d rama t ically i ncrease you r own By focusing on t he happ iness and wel lbeing of workers, compan ies can create a posi t ive wor kp lace cul t u re t ha t's good for grow th and p rof i ts.. »


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