recherch method
Publié le 05/03/2015
Extrait du document
Chapter I - Research Question
Research consist to investigate a given problem in order to solve it.
But before to investigate,
we need t o find out the problem. Without issue, investigation is not able to take place.
why it is important to find out the issue, the true one .
An d for that, we need to follow some
steps to choose the appropriate one.
The first step is the interest .
Before to choose a research question, it is primordial to know what
we want to write about, on which field of study we are more comfortable.
It’s only by this way
we will do a good and full work.
The second step concerns the manageable of the research question.
Sometimes, we are
interested by a research question but this one is not manageable.
So, we also need to ask
ourselves if we will have enough time to investigate the issue , if we have necessary human and
financial resources, which place is concerned by our study , and so on.
That’s kind of
manageable questions we need to elucidate before to take action.
The third one is to see if the research question is measurable.
In order to be credible, we need
to do a scientific study.
And a scientific study refers to a work that is measurable.
Relevant is the fourth step.
It is important to check if all things are in correlation.
All things we
will speak about in the work should have a li nk with the other things and with the research
question itself.
The next step, the l evel of expertise, is surely one of the important one.
In this step, we need to
check our own expertise in order to determine our own limits, our strengths and weaknesses.
Self -checking will allow us to take measures to overcome limits.
The following quote , one of
San Su, shows it: “Know you yourself, know your adversary and you will be invincible.”
The sixth step concerns the availability of data.
Literature review is important in every work
because it allows to explore the findings of other persons who have done more or less the same
So, it is important to know before if the research question we want to choose have already
data available or not in order to know if we will do a literature review or an original work
without literature review.
The se venth and last step is the ethical of the research question.
Ethical means something that
is morally acceptable.
For example , doing a research to see how to improve weapons sales is
not ethical.
We need to choose something that will allow society to go ahe ad..
Liens utiles
- Referencing method
- Marlon Brando Marlon Brando (1924-2004), American actor known for his use of the naturalistic "method" style of acting (see Stanislavsky Method).