Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 17/01/2022

Extrait du document

  1.Age of the universe We think we now know quite accurately what the universe is like. It consists of a vast expanse of space, in which matter is dotted about in the form of galaxies.   Each galaxy, spiralling round like a gigantic Catherine wheel, is made up of billions of stars, which are like our Sun.

« 2.The Big Bang Astronomers reckon that 15,000 million years ago all the matter, and energy, in the universe was created, and the universe started to expand, in a gigantic explosion they call the Big Bang. The Big Bang didn't just create matter and energy.

It created space as well.

It also created time.

There was no matter, energy, space or time until the Big Bang.

We can't talk about 'before the Big Bang', because time didn't exist until the Big Bang. At the instant of the Big Bang, the universe was infinitely hot and full only of energy.

But in seconds the universe had expanded and cooled down enough for the energy to be transformed into atomic particles, such as protons, neutrons and electrons. After a few minutes, as the temperature fell further, the particles began to join together to form atomic nuclei, notably nuclei of helium. It took several hundred thousand years before the atomic nuclei and the electrons were able to join together to form atoms.

The protons combined with electrons to form hydrogen, the helium nuclei to form helium.

Hydrogen and helium are still the most plentiful elements in the universe even today.

Hydrogen is the main 'fuel' stars 'burn' to produce the energy to keep shining. The universe continued to expand and cool down.

Much later, after perhaps 2,000 million years, clouds of hydrogen and helium gases began to collapse under gravity and form the first stars and galaxies.

Star and galaxy formation has been going on ever since, creating the universe as it is today. 3.Future of the universe. »


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