Devoir de Philosophie

Place and exchange

Publié le 30/01/2014

Extrait du document

 Places and Exchange   Introduction :  The notion "places and exchange" is defined by the openness of the world. Thanks to new technology, the internet and social networks, countries can communicate and exchange information. Links between peoples and countries have become stronger. Exchanges are in different way, such as culture, the arts, science, technology, religion. We will therefore study Britain. What's make Britain unique ? On the one hand, we will see ...

« 3.

Education: two britains. But the differences in this country are not always positive.

As we can see in one of the documents studied, which speaks of education in Britain.

Studies expensive, so everyone does not have the money to pay for school.

What makes this country inequality, and cut into two parts. We have seen what were the differences in this country, so we will show how this country can also be linked to other countries.       II) Links ... 1.

The word...

At home (culture) Thus, these links can be shown by different cultures.

As shown in one of the documents studied.

Cultures vary from one country to another, and this is certainly what makes countries linked.

Because differences in the country can also be a strength. 2.

Black Britons. The first wave of migrants appeared in 1940 and the second in 1960.

Racism is present in other countries, but people arriving in this country fail to integrate into society. Conclusion :  In conclusion, i think Britain cultivates its difference and its openness to the world, thanks to its openness to immigrant populations.

But the lack of integration remains a major problem.

I can add that Britain is part of Europe, but did'nt want to change his money because she wants to keep a link with the United States.. »


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