Anglais - synthèse Mythes et Héros
Publié le 29/04/2014
Extrait du document

SYNTHÈSE MYTHS AND HEROES Everyday, each one of us is confronted to myths and heroes. We see them in the news, in cartoons, we study them at school? It's a part of our daily life. But what's really a myth ? Or a hero ? The definitions are manifold. A myth can be an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic, like in Antiquity. But it also can be a popular belief or tradition, embodying the ideals of a society, Santa Claus for example. It can be an unfounded or false notion. And, finally, a myth can be a theme or character type embodying an idea. A hero now. We all now the superheroes, like superman, but there are other kind of heroes, like a mythological or legendary figure, often endowed with great strength or ability, like Hercules. It can be a real person too, like a person admired for his/her achievements, hi...
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- Synthèse Mythes & Héros – Lucas Pierru TS4 During this sequence, we studied the notion of Myth and heroes.
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