Publié le 13/12/2013
Extrait du document
Accordingly, continuous distributions are described with probability density functions as illustrated in Exhibit 2
In Exhibit 2, the curve shows how densely probability is distributed across the sample space.
Area under
the curve corresponds to probability.
For example, in Exhibit 3, the area of the yellow region corresponds
to the probability that the random variable will be between 0 and 2perhaps a total probability of 31%.
The normal and lognormal distributions are examples of continuos distributions.
A third type of probability distribution is a mixed distribution.
These are distributions which are partly
discrete and partly continuous.
For example, rain fall in a given day has a mixed distribution:
¨ There is a positive probability that no rain will fall in any day.
This is the discrete component of
the distribution.
¨ If rain does fall, however, the amount that actually falls is continuously distributed.
This is illustrated in Exhibit 4.
Drawing a graph that simultaneously depicts the discrete and continuous
components of a mixed distribution is difficult.
In Exhibit 4, the block of probability centered at zero
corresponds to exactly zero inches—despite the fact that the block, as drawn, covers a region of the.
Liens utiles
- var (volt-ampère-réactif).
- Var. petit fleuve côtier du sud-est de la France, long
- Var (83).
- Sieyès (Emmanuel Joseph , dit l'abbé), 1748-1836, né à Fréjus (Var), ecclésiastique, théoricien et homme politique français.
- Shankar Ravi, né à Var?n?si (Bénarès) en 1920, compositeur et joueur de sitar indien.