Williams Breaks .
Publié le 14/05/2013
Extrait du document
the 374-pound tuna he caught on an off day earlier this summer.
If he missed .400, it was going to feel like a failed season.”
The A's had been reluctant to pitch to Williams all season, walking him 14 times in the previous eight meetings.
Philadelphia catcher Frankie Hayes, however, toldWilliams in his first at bat that the team was instructed to pitch right to him.
In Williams's first four at bats he ripped three singles and one home run.
In the ninth hereached on an error, making him 4-for-5 for the game and pushing his average to .405.
Williams was not finished, however.
In the second half of the doubleheader he singled in his first appearance and then rocketed a double off of a loudspeaker in rightcenter.
He popped out in the seventh.
The game was called because of darkness shortly afterward.
Williams's 6-for-8 day left his average at .406.
“What a thrill,”Williams told reporters after the game, according to Sports Illustrated.
”I wasn't saying much about it before the game, but I never wanted anything harder in my life.”
It was the first time a batter hit over .400 for the season in 11 years.
Williams was only 23 years old in 1941—they called him the Kid—and many observers figuredhe would crack .400 several more times in his career.
Williams, however, spent three seasons in military service during World War II (1939-1945), in what couldhave been his prime, and parts of two more seasons flying combat missions in Korea.
He never again hit better than .400.
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