Publié le 11/05/2013
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Other plants and animals have special adaptations suited for living in a wet environment.
Most emergent plants have air spaces in their stems that enable oxygen to betransported to roots that grow in sediments with no oxygen.
Some of the trees that grow in swamps form a set of roots above the soil surface or above the water thatallows them to get oxygen to the lower roots.
In saltwater wetlands, specialized cells can limit the amount of salt that enters a plant, or specialized organs can excretesalt from the plant.
Microorganisms often have adaptations that allow them to live in water or wet soil without oxygen.
Some larger aquatic animals, such as certain species of crab, havespecialized gills or other organs to increase the uptake of oxygen from water or to use it more efficiently; other animals may reduce activity to minimize the need foroxygen when concentrations are low.
In saltwater wetlands, animal cells either can be adapted to survival in salt water or they can regulate the amount of salt thatpasses in and out of them.
Wetland animals may also have specialized ways of reproducing and feeding.
Some animals affect the water distribution of a wetland inspecial ways: beavers build dams that may flood large areas, and alligators dig holes that retain water during the dry season.
Because they have both land and aquatic characteristics, wetlands are some of the most diverse ecosystems on earth.
The different plant species of a wetland providehabitat for varied animal communities.
In addition to microorganisms and invertebrates, reptiles, such as turtles, snakes, and alligators, are common in wetlands.
Manyamphibians—frogs, salamanders, and toads—live in wetlands during at least part of their life cycle.
A large number of fish species require wetland habitat for spawning,feeding, or protection from predation.
Birds are attracted to wetlands by abundant food resources and sites for nesting, resting, and feeding.
Many breeding andmigratory birds, especially waterfowl, are associated with wetlands, as are mammals such as muskrats, nutria, mink, raccoons, and beavers.
About one-fourth of theplants, one-half of the fishes, two-thirds of the birds, and three-fourths of the amphibians listed as threatened or endangered in the United States are associated withwetlands.
Inland wetlands may help control floods by storing water and slowly releasing it to downstream areas after the flood peak.
Wetlands can reduce wave action and slowdown the flow of water, lessening erosion and causing sediments to settle out of the water.
This improves water quality, as does the removal of nutrients andcontaminants from the water by growing wetland plants and by chemical processes in wetland sediments.
Wetlands may also serve as sites where surface water canseep into the ground and replenish the groundwater.
Wetlands provide many opportunities for recreational activities, such as bird-watching, hunting, fishing, trapping, and hiking, and they provide educational opportunitiesfor nature studies and scientific research.
Some North American wetlands are of archaeological interest because Native American settlements were located near them.Peatlands in Denmark and England have yielded human fossil remains from about 2000 years ago, well preserved by acidic and anaerobic (low-oxygen) conditions.Wetlands are also valuable for the food and timber harvested from them.
A Wetland Conservation Issues
Since the late 1700s, over half of the wetlands of the United States, excluding Alaska, have been lost.
About 35 percent were gone by the 1950s; wetland destructionduring the next two decades resulted in an additional loss equal to the combined area of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Although still substantial, therate of loss has since decreased, with inland marshes receiving better protection but forested wetlands sustaining more damage.
Wetland losses have resulted ingreater flooding and erosion, reduced water quality, and reduced populations of many plants and animals.
Beginning in the early 1980s, wetland science emerged as a separate field of study, and better information concerning the importance of wetlands was made available to the public.
As a result of the heightened awareness of wetland values, attitudes began to change; laws such as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 (revised1975), which regulates the dumping of solids into wetlands and waterways, and the 1985 Swampbuster provisions of the Flood Securities Act were passed to protectand preserve wetlands; public and private programs were developed to restore wetlands; and wetland losses began to decrease.
In 1988 recommendations were madeby the National Wetlands Policy Forum for a program of “no net loss of wetlands,” with stronger wetland protection policies but also recognition that some wetlands willinevitably be destroyed by development.
Under this program, lost acreage and function may be recovered by the creation of new wetlands and the restoration ofdegraded wetlands.
By 1991 over 60 countries had joined the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, adopted in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971(enforced since 1975) and known as the Ramsar Convention.
Member countries are required to designate at least one wetland as a conservation project to add to theList of Wetlands of International Importance.
The Ramsar List includes more than 30 million hectares (74 million acres) of wetlands in more than 500 locations—still only3 percent of the total wetland area of the world.
Twenty of these sites are considered to be seriously at risk, and many have no management program.
Conflicts over wetland policies remain, since the general public benefits the most and individuals the least from restrictions on developing wetlands.
Much of thecontroversy centers on the legal definition of a wetland.
Many wetland advocates believe that a greater area of a wetland should be protected than the area suggestedby some landowners or developers.
Contributed By:Douglas A.
WilcoxMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
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