Publié le 11/05/2013
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In winter, tornado activity is usually confined to the Gulf Coastal Plain.
In spring, the most active tornado season, tornadoes typically occur in central Tornado Alley andeastward into the Ohio Valley.
In summer, most tornadoes occur in a northern band stretching from the Dakotas eastward into Pennsylvania and southern New YorkState.
The worst tornado disasters in the United States have claimed hundreds of lives.
The Tri-State Outbreak of March 18, 1925, had the highest death toll: 740 people diedin 7 tornadoes that struck Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana.
The Super Outbreak of April 3-4, 1974, spawned 148 tornadoes (the most in any known outbreak) and killed315 people from Alabama north to Ohio.
The National Weather Service alerts the public to severe weather hazards by issuing watches and warnings that are broadcast on National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) weather radio, television, and commercial radio.
Meteorologists issue a tornado watch when weather conditions are favorable for thedevelopment of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.
Watches are often issued hours before severe weather develops and generally cover many counties or evenseveral states.
A tornado warning means that a tornado is occurring or is imminent.
A warning is issued if a tornado has touched down, if a funnel cloud is present, or ifDoppler radar indicates the presence of strong rotation in a thunderstorm updraft.
The area covered by a warning is much smaller than a watch, usually only a countyor two, or a portion of a county.
During a tornado warning, people should seek shelter immediately in a basement or in the interior portion of a building (a closet, interior hallway, or bathroom).
Mobilehomes and cars have a tendency to roll in high winds and should therefore be abandoned.
Structures with large, free-span roofs, such as auditoriums, gymnasiums,and supermarkets, are subject to collapse and should also be avoided.
If caught outside, a person should lie flat in a ditch and cover his or her head for protection fromflying debris.
Contributed By:Alan ShapiroMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
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