Devoir de Philosophie

The Rise of Don Vito Corleone, from The Godfather by Mario Puzo.

Publié le 24/09/2013

Extrait du document


The Rise of Don Vito Corleone, from The Godfather by Mario Puzo. GR1: de Divine à Antoine (inclus) from line 1 to 28 (1rst §) 1) What was the Great Depression: explain briefly and simply! 2) Pick out the words showing that poverty was common during this period. 3) Pick out the words and/ or sentences that show Don Corleone's men were well-off. 4) In this §, is Don Corleone presented in a positive or negative way? Pick out all the words/ sentences that will prove your point. GR2: de Christina à Néné (2nd §) 5) Don Corleone was a pure and generous man who acted out of pure Christian charity. ?True?False Quote the text to support your answer: -------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Pick out the sentence that shows that a man who didn't betray the Don was always rewarded (= récompensé) 7) When Don Corleone dropped by, what did he do it for? (3 elements) 8) According to you, what was the impact of this visit on the man who was celebrated? 9) Line 41: what "enemies" do you think the narrator is referring to? Quote the text to support your answer. 10) Why did poor people come to see him? Give a few examples. 11) The Don made these poor people feel ashamed to ask for charity. True ? False? Quote the text to support your answer.

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