Publié le 11/05/2013
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Surgical procedures are classified as optional, required, elective, urgent, and emergent based on the patient’s medical condition.
Optional surgery consists of operationsthat are not required but which the patient chooses to undergo as with some types of cosmetic surgery.
Required surgery is performed when only surgery will correct aproblem—such as cataracts—but the surgery can be delayed for a period of weeks or months.
Elective surgical procedures usually involve conditions that may notrequire surgery but in which surgery will have a favorable effect—such as the removal of a small cyst.
Urgent surgical procedures are performed when a patient’scondition is not immediately life-threatening, but failure to treat it may result in death.
Patients with some form of cancer are often considered urgent surgical cases.Emergency procedures must be performed within a few hours of a patient’s arrival at a hospital to prevent death.
These surgeries correct serious life-threateningconditions such as major wounds, blockages of the intestines, or appendicitis —inflammation of the appendix.
For any surgical procedure, medical care is provided before (preoperative), during (intraoperative), and after (postoperative) the operation.
Preoperative care includesroutine checks of vital signs including temperature, pulse, and blood pressure; analysis of blood and urine; and physical examination to evaluate organ function.
Ananesthesiologist (a physician trained to provide anesthesia) looks for signs that might make the administration of anesthetics dangerous such as chest infections or low blood pressure.
A history of the patient’s use of medications is acquired to prevent possible adverse interactions with anesthetics.
A surgeon will generally counsel thepatient and his or her family about the surgery and what to expect after the operation is performed.
Preoperative care reduces the risk of complications during andafter surgery.
Intraoperative care involves several members of the surgical team.
The surgeon determines the timing of the operation, the techniques, and the instruments andsupplies to be used.
The anesthesiologist controls the patient’s pain and, if necessary, the level of unconsciousness to make surgery more tolerable and ensure that thepatient regains consciousness safely and quickly following the operation.
The scrub nurse readies all instruments, ensures the sterility of the surgical field, andanticipates when instruments will be needed by the surgeon.
The circulating nurse makes sure the operating room is adequately supplied and provides any additionalsupplies to the scrub nurse during the operation.
Depending upon the hospital, surgical assistants, physician assistants, surgical residents, medical students, andnursing students may also attend an operation.
Postoperative care begins in a recovery room or intensive care unit (ICU).
Both areas are equipped to monitor blood pressure and heart rate and provide supplementaloxygen, mechanical ventilation for the lungs, and physical support under critical circumstances.
Drugs are often prescribed to control postoperative pain.
The first surgical procedures were performed in the Neolithic Age (about 10,000 to 6000 BC).
Trepanning, a procedure in which a hole is drilled in the skull to relieve pressure on the brain, may have been performed as early as 8000 BC.
In Egypt, carvings dating to 2500 BC describe surgical circumcision—the removal of foreskin from the penis and the clitoris from female genitalia.
Operations such as castration (the removal of a male’s testicles); lithotomy (the removal of stones from the bladder); and amputation (the surgical removal of a limb or other body part) are also believed to have been performed by the Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptian medical texts havebeen found that provide instructions for many surgical procedures including repairing a broken bone and mending a serious wound.
In ancient India, the Hindussurgically treated bone fractures and removed bladder stones, tumors, and infected tonsils.
They are also credited with having developed plastic surgery as early as2000 BC in response to the punishment of cutting off a person’s nose or ears for certain criminal offenses.
Using skin flaps from the forehead, Hindu surgeons shaped new noses and ears for the punished criminals.
In the 4th century BC, the Greek physician Hippocrates published descriptions of various surgical procedures, such as the treatment of fractures and skull injuries, with directions for the proper placement of the surgeon’s hands during these operations.
During most of the Middle Ages (5th century to 14th century AD), the practice of surgery declined.
It was viewed as inferior to medicine, and its practice was left to barbers who traveled from town to town cutting hair, removing tumors, pulling teeth, stitching wounds, and bloodletting, the practice of draining blood from the body, then thought to cure illness.
The red-and-white striped pole that today identifies barbershops derived its design from this practice.
The red stripes symbolize blood andthe white stripes signify bandages.
In 1316 the French surgeon Guy de Chauliac published Chirurgia magna (Great Surgery).
This massive text describes how to remove growths, repair hernias (protrusion of an organ through surrounding structures), and treat fractures using slings and weights.
The text helped surgery gain respect as a serious science.
At thistime a new order of surgeons arose in France.
They were called surgeons of the long robe, distinguished from the barber surgeons who were known as surgeons of theshort robe.
The barber surgeons had little medical training, while the surgeons of the long robe were studied physicians and considered such practices as bloodlettingprimitive.
Corporations, or guilds, of surgeons of the long robe were formed in several countries.
During the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries , many discoveries in surgical practice took place.
Much credit belongs to the French surgeon Ambroise Paré, often called the father of modern surgery.
Paré successfully employed the method of ligating, or tying off, arteries to control bleeding, thus eliminating the old method of cauterizing, orsearing, the bleeding part with a red-hot iron or boiling oil.
Discoveries about functions of the human body also helped make surgery a more accurate science duringthis period.
For example, the English physician and anatomist William Harvey discovered the process of blood circulation and Italian anatomist Marcello Malpighiidentified the existence of tiny blood vessels called capillaries that carry blood from the major blood vessels to the cells of the body.
John Hunter, a British anatomist andsurgeon, stressed the close relationship between medicine and surgery and performed many experimental operations that advanced the practice of surgery.
Most surgery, however, continued to be restricted to less critical areas of the body or to operations that did not penetrate the skin too deeply.
Surgeons rarely openedthe abdomen, chest, or skull because of the pain it caused the patient and the risk of infection.
This changed in 1846 when anesthesia was used as a way to mask painduring surgery by American dentist William Morton.
Although Morton is often credited with the discovery of surgical anesthesia, American surgeon Crawford Long usedanesthesia in 1842 during the removal of tumors but did not publish his results until 1849.
Post-surgical infections remained a serious complication of surgery until the mid-19th century when the French chemist Louis Pasteur discovered that fermentation orputrefaction, the decay and death of body tissue, is caused by bacteria in the air.
In 1865 the British surgeon Joseph Lister applied Pasteur’s work to surgery, developing antiseptic (germ-killing) techniques including the use of a carbolic acid spray to kill germs in the operating room before surgery.
These antiseptic procedures helped eliminate postoperative infection.
Other physicians, including Austrian Ignaz Semmelweiss and American Oliver Wendell Holmes, determined that bacteria arealso carried on the hands and clothing and transferred from patient to patient as a physician attends one after another.
These physicians pioneered techniques such aswashing hands and changing into clean clothing before surgery that prevent wounds from being contaminated during surgery.
In the late 1800s, having solved the problems of pain and infection, surgeons began performing new types of surgery including procedures on the abdomen, brain, andspinal cord.
At the turn of the 20th century, improved diagnostic abilities and methods of treatment helped surgery become even more effective.
When the Germanphysicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen invented X ray in 1895 to “photograph” the inside of the body he changed the way surgery was performed.
The discovery of theblood groups A, B, and O by Austrian pathologist Karl Landsteiner enabled surgeons to give patients transfusions of their own blood type to ensure survival duringsurgery.
The need for a readily available supply of blood for transfusions led to the creation of blood banks in 1937.
Other technological advances permitted surgeons to perform increasingly complex and difficult operations.
The introduction of antibiotics in the 1940s further minimized.