Devoir de Philosophie

Super size me

Publié le 09/06/2011

Extrait du document

Supersize me video questions



1)   If we consider this project an experiment, why did Morgan make several doctors’ visits before he started this project ?

à He did that to know all the different possibilities with that type of comportement.


2)   In general, what is Morgan’s health status at the beginning of this project ?

à At the beginning of this project, his health status was absolutely normal. We know that because he made some tests.


3)   What effects do the doctors think this die twill have on Morgan ?

à The doctors think, he’s going to be fat. He’s going to have cardiac and liver problems !


4)   What are Morgan’s rules for this project ?


-       To eat ONLY Mc Donald’s

-       Can’t practise sport

-       Only eat the big size

-       All the meals


5)   List 4 ways that Mc Donald’s markets directly to children ?


-       Ronald Mc Donalds cartoons

-       Happy meals toys

-       Birthday meals

-       Games structures


6)   How does Morgan feel after his first Supersize meal ?

à He feels sick and he vomites his meal.


7)   Why do you think this happened ?

à His stomach wasn’t used to eat so much junk food in one time. That’s why he vomited few minutes later.


8)   What are the results of Morgan’s first blood tests ?

à At the first blood tests, they show that he begins to have a cholestérol, and an increase of glucose (sugar).


9)   What is in general health of Morgan’s liver after this project ?

à His liver is in a pity, he’s huge and nearly destroyed.


10)                 Why is it the death of Morgan’s liver that declines the most during this project ?

à Because he eats too much sugar and his liver didn’t support it. So, Morgan’s liver declines.


11)                 Explain what a gastric-bypass is :

à One of the techniques of surgical treatment of morbid obesity for reducing the volume of the stomach.


12)                 On day 21, what do Morgan’s doctors tell him to do ?

à They adviced him to stop his project. Because his health was deteriorating too much.


13)                 Why ?

à Because Morgan was really unhealthy.


14)                 What can be done to reduce the obesity problem in US ?

à People need to be educated on proper nutrition and exercise. If they want to solve this obestity issue, they need to know the facts and they also need to all try to be healthier and more active overwall.


15)                 How often do you eat fast food ? Do you feel you could stop ? Why or why not ?

à In our group, 2 of us eat approximatly once a month in a fast food. And the other eats only 2 or 3 times a year. The 2 who eat more than the other don’t think they coul stop because it tastes too much good !


16)                 Did this movie change your view of fast food ? Did this movie change your view of your own eating habits ?

à It changes our view of fast food because some pictures were ugly, and some results of the men were also very scaring. But, this movie doesn’t change our way of eating but it makes us aware of we eat sometimes. So we’re going to try to control our eating habits. 


17)                 Should fast food companies be held responsible for the obesity problem in US ?

à Well,yes and no. No, because the people who go to a fast food should be able to choose what is good for you andwhat isn’t good. This becomes what you’re. And then yes because the companies, should provide healthier options for the customers to consume…


18)                 Do you think this school offers a nutrition meal ? How would you change it ?

à Personnaly, we think that Charles De Foucault’s school offers a good nutrition meal into the « self ». Because, we can find different types of meals : an input, a dish and a dessert. And there are most of the time vegetables, starchy… ETC. So, of course the student has to make the right decision about what he’s going to eat. He should comprised a balance menu. To conclude, we can say that school brings us every types of food and then it’s our own duty to choose an healthier plat !


19)                 Do you believe that people can have food addictions ? Why or why not ?

à We really think it could be possible to have food addictions. Also, we've made some researches and we know that we can have it. And the most important signs are ; the foods is all you think about, you want to stop but you can't, you eat in secret or you lie about you've eaten, you eat belond the point of fullness and you're compelled to eat when you're not hungry or are feeling low... So, as we can see, there are different types of manifestations.

But, in fact, the addiction arrives with your way of life and the habit you give to your brain. So, when you used to eat lots of chocolate for example. When you decide to start, your brain doesn't understand why. We can make the parallel between food's addictions and cigarettes's addictions


20)                 Does our society promote an unhealthy attitude toward food ?

à Like the others countries, we love fast food with it's high fat, high sugar, high salt, and the sad thing is that the people who eat the most unhealthy are the lower income people because junk food is so cheap.

Actually, we are not like the US for example. But we're not so far away from them since a few years... So, if we don't want to have 180 millions overweight people like in USA, we've have to control seriously our habits eating.

So, I think, with the arrival of the Mc Donalds, Jack in the box, Quick, ..., we're loosing our healthy attitude we had for only having an unhealthy attitude.






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