Publié le 16/12/2012
Extrait du document

William Shakespeare I am going to speak about william shakespeare and later about one of his most famous tragedies: William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was an English dramatist and poet; he is considered the greatest playwright who ever lived. He was born in 1564 in Stratford upon Avon. His father was the son of a farmer who became a successful tradesman. Shakespeare probably attended the grammar school in Stratford until he was fifteen. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and had three children: a girl, born in 1583 and twins, born in 1585. Nothing is known of the period between 1585 and 1592, when Shakespeare became known as a playwright in London. After, for two years he left and probably spent some time at the estate of the earl of Southampton and wrote 2 longs poems and sonnets (Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece). He went back to London in 1594 as a member of Lord Chamberlain's Men, the company he stayed with for the rest of his life. In 1599 he became a partner in the new Globe Theatre. That is the last year in which he appeared in a cast list. He retired in 1612 and died in 1616 in Stratford upon Avon and during his life he wrote 154 sonnets and a lot of poems. Romeo and Juliet He wrote also historical plays, comedies and tragedies, Romeo and Juliet is one of his best tragedies and he wrote it in 1599. The story takes place in Verona where for years, two big families, the Mantagues and Capulets hate each other. Romeo, son and heir of Montague family falls madly in love with Juliet, this young naïve and obedient teenager at the beginning, which is going to become after this encounter somebody very rash. But, their love is impossible and after many adventures, Juliet and Romeo commit suicide believing to have lost their other half, their big love for ever. Both desponded fathers regret this hatred, the cause of their misfortunes, and reconcile over the death of their children and promise to built a statue of pure gold in honor of their memory. Unfortunately I can't read the book but I saw a few minutes of the beginning of the film and it seems to me very interesting.
Liens utiles
- Shakespeare intitulée Macbeth
- Beaucoup de bruit : une comédie de William Shakespeare
- litterature.pdf : The play Macbeth was written by William shakespeare
- Racine et Shakespeare, de Stendhal
- Fiche de lecture : RACINE ET SHAKESPEARE de Stendhal