Samuel de Champlain - biography.
Publié le 11/05/2013
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Samuel de Champlain - biography. French explorer Date 1567? Baptized Death December 25, 1635 Place of Brouage, France Birth Known As The founder of Québec, and the father of New France, the French colonial empire in North America Milestones 1603 Embarked upon his first voyage to North America as a royal geographer on a fur-trading expedition 1604-1607 During his second expedition to North America, established Acadia, and explored the east coast of Canada and the northeastern United States 1608 Embarked on a third expedition to North America and established the trading post that later became Québec, the first permanent European settlement in Canada 1609 Led an expedition to stop Iroquois raids on Huron Indian territory 1612 Became lieutenant of the viceroy of New France 1613 Explored the Ottawa River as far as Allumette Island 1615 Returned to New France and explored the Great Lakes 1627 Was appointed as leader of the Company of One Hundred Associates, a trading and colonizing group organized by Cardinal Richelieu of France; Champlain was also Richelieu's representative in New France 1629 Québec attacked by English privateers; Champlain surrendered and was held prisoner in England for four years 1633 Returned to Canada Did You In his early 40s, Champlain married 12-year-old Hélene Boullé. Know Champlain made more than 20 voyages to New France. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Liens utiles
- Samuel Champlain par Benoît Brouillette Professeur à l'École des hautes études commerciales, Montréal Champlain naquit à Brouage (Charente) durant la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle, vers 1567.
- Samuel Champlain
- Samuel de Champlain.
- Samuel de Champlain - explorer.
- CHAMPLAIN, Samuel (vers 1567/1570-1635) Explorateur, colonisateur C'est le 15 mars 1603 que le cartographe de formation qu'est Champlain quitte le port d'Honfleur pour la Nouvelle-France, le Canada.