Rock (mineral).
Publié le 11/05/2013
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pressure mineral assemblage.
In a sense, the rock is stuck in a state that is characteristic of its earlier high-temperature and high-pressure environment.
Thus,metamorphic rocks carry with them information about the history of temperatures and pressures to which they were subjected.
The size, shape, and distribution of mineral grains in a rock are called the texture of the rock.
Many metamorphic rocks are named for their main texture.
Textures giveimportant clues as to how the rock formed.
As the pressure and temperature that form a metamorphic rock increase, the size of the mineral grains usually increases.When the pressure is equal in all directions, mineral grains form in random orientations and point in all directions.
When the pressure is stronger in one direction thananother, minerals tend to align themselves in particular directions.
In particular, thin plate-shaped minerals, such as mica, align perpendicular to the direction ofmaximum pressure, giving rise to a layering in the rock that is known as foliation.
Compositional layering, or bands of different minerals, can also occur and causefoliation.
At low pressure, foliation forms fine, thin layers, as in the rock slate.
At medium pressure, foliation becomes coarser, forming schist.
At high pressure, foliationis very coarse, forming gneiss.
Commonly, the layering is folded in complex, wavy patterns from the pressure.
The rock cycle describes how rocks change, or evolve, from one type to another.
For example, any type of rock (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) can become anew sedimentary rock if its eroded sediments are deposited, compacted, and cemented.
Similarly, any type of rock can become metamorphic if it is buried moderatelydeep.
If the temperature and pressure become sufficiently high, the rock can melt to form magma and a new igneous rock.
Contributed By:Frank Christopher HawthorneMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
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