Devoir de Philosophie

Redaction en anglais sur la propagande dans le regime totalitaire

Publié le 09/02/2020

Extrait du document

Totalitarianism is a form of governing that, in theory, allows no form of individual liberty and freedom by controlling all aspects of personal life by the state. Mussolini a famous Italian dictator coined the term, and as time went on totalitarianism began to become synonymous with oppressive regimes such as the Soviet Union and the Third Reich. Totalitarian governments use a set of tools to control their people. The aforementioned tools can be summarized with the acronym PIEFOIL. PIEFOIL contains many weapons totalitarians use to subdue their people, but perhaps the most interesting, and the most effective of the bunch would be the aggressive use of propaganda to ensure a uniform ideology and subordination to the state. Propaganda in totalitarian governments is usually in the form of state-produced media. Totalitarian regimes usually produce propaganda consisting of flawed logic and heavy with polemics. This falsification of the factual information comes with the glorification of the state and its leaders, especially in contrast to governments around the world. All in all, propaganda allows the spread of totalitarian agendas to their citizens. Propaganda is used in totalitarian governments as previously stated, aggressively. Ideas of leadership in line with the state are promoted as fundamental elements to their survival as a country. Restriction on what kind of media is available to the general public is also rampant and censorship, usually violent is in place to effectively enforce the said restriction. Propaganda is also effectively used as an indoctrination weapon by raising generations of people under the same ideological umbrella. Yet the most important aspect in regards to propaganda is its efficacy as a tool used by totalitarian regimes. Propaganda is the single most efficient tool used by said regimes as it works to an extent not seen by any other of the PIEFOIL. Propaganda is even used today by for-profit news agencies in contexts not related to politics such as destroying the image of a rival company. Even today, governments such as North Korea use propaganda to paint the West in bad lighting and to convince their citizens of the immortality of their leaders. In fact, propaganda in North Korea is so effective that there are some who believe that their leader does not defecate. Another example in regards to the efficiency of propaganda is the use of it by news agencies in western countries to paint Arab and Muslim countries in the bad light they are in today. The aforementioned clarifies the importance of propaganda as a tool for totalitarian governments. Totalitarianism is a dictatorship, just a more organized sort, and just with any dictatorship, there must be tools utilized to ensure that the people comply with whatever restrictive guidelines the government sets. Propaganda is that tool, and while it may not be as extreme as it used to be, it is clear that the extreme application of it in the prime of totalitarian governments such as Nazi Germany is even more effective.

« fact, propaganda in North Korea is so effective that there are some who believe that their leader does not defecate.

Another example in regards to the efficiency of propaganda is the use of it by news agencies in western countries to paint Arab and Muslim countries in the bad light they are in today.

The aforementioned clarifies the importance of propaganda as a tool for totalitarian governments. Totalitarianism is a dictatorship, just a more organized sort, and just with any dictatorship, there must be tools utilized to ensure that the people comply with whatever restrictive guidelines the government sets.

Propaganda is that tool, and while it may not be as extreme as it used to be, it is clear that the extreme application of it in the prime of totalitarian governments such as Nazi Germany is even more effective.. »


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