Notion Idea of progress
Publié le 05/06/2018
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CARCEL ANGLAIS - BAC 2018 Antonin TES2 NOTIONS : « The idea of progress. » Introduction : Hello MsQuintens ! I’m going to talk about the notion « Idea of progress ». First, I would like to give a definition of progress. The word \"progress\" derives from the Latin \"progressus\" and suggests an improvement, or a change – for instance technical advances in communication: the internet, social media, mobile phones, video games, or scientific changes in the medical field for instance. A progress can also cover social advances like equality, women’s rights, human rights, minority rights and therefore contribute to making the world a better place. Progress allows the development of a given society and its mentality. So, do we really need to the progress ? I would like to focus on the topic Scientific progress. Second, I will talk about the Social progress, and particularly the place of women in society which were gained through struggles and are still a sensitive issue. Finally, we shall see that there are individuals refusing categorically the progress : the Amish. To illustrate my development, I shall use three documents studied in class. First is a text by CHS Globe Online, published in 2010. It deals with a baby supermaket « Design your baby ». Second is a movie and his name is We Want Sex Equality. The third is still a text wich presents who is the Amish ? Première partie : Indeed, progress can become dangerous, specially in terms of science. We studied several documents which shows negative aspects and effects of scientific progress and one text particularly marked me. We also studied Design your baby,constituted of two texts. First one is an extract from CHS Globe online, publish on the 29th January 2010. This text is a science fiction, where people can ask for a baby as they want, like in a supermarket. If people could choose their children, it would be only for rich people, the would be some discrimination. At the beginning, it was only science fiction but now, it's reality. Choosing physical characteristic is a progress, a huge one, but it's dangerous. I think we are gone too far today ! Deuxième partie : On the other hand, I think progress is essential to evolve. We need progress. History us made of progress and evolution that have allowed the world to be what it is today. Having worked on the parity man and woman in politics in the TPE of the last year, I had the opportunity to see a movie which really marked me : We Want Sex Equality. It takes place in 1958 in England. A worker of the factory Ford of Rita's name discovers that the women are less well paid than the men. Helped by a union activist, she gathers 187 needlewomen to go on strike for the first time. Their claiming is simple. Equal pay for equal work between the sexes. This movie is inspired by the revolt of the workers of Dangenham which ends in the Equal Pay Act of 1970 and dedicated the wage equality between men and women. The strike arouses first of all the mockery of the men, a part of the male gente of which the spouses of the ladies but will bow before their courage. Troisième partie : The limit of progress are different from country. A community, a country refused progress example Amish community used ancestral tradition used a little modernity, an over community refused progress it’s Kagang in Indonesia. Also country don’t have access to progress example some countries in Africa don’t have aces to progress. Although progress is accepted in some countries such as France or the United States some invention are not accepted by either ethics or fear of the unknown. Amish thus show us that we can resist the advanced of the progress and the modernity. Conclusion : To sum up, I think progress is neither good neither bad because it’s essential to evolve and it’s indispensable for our comfort. The importance is how we use progress ; indeed progress can be dangerous when it is abused or out of control like the first document. But it was a way to reduce the disparities between the sexes. Finally, this set of document, while illustrating the nocion Idea of progress with his relevant examples.
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- notion the idea of progress
- notion idea of progress
- ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS : I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.
- anglais notion idea of progress
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