Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Publié le 10/05/2013
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B Ancient Near Eastern Art
The objects in this department range from a vast geographical area in southwest Asia and northeast Africa from around 5000 BC to around AD 600.
Notable works include Assyrian reliefs from the palace of King Ashurnasirpal II at Calah (now Nimrud, Iraq), Sumerian sculpture, Anatolian ivories, Iranian bronzes, and Achaemenidand Sassanian works in silver and gold.
C Arms and Armor
This department is renowned for its collection of European armor from the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century) and the Renaissance (14th century to 17thcentury).
It also contains significant objects from North America, the Middle East, and Asia.
The department exhibits various pieces of armor, edged weapons (such asspears and swords), and firearms as works of art.
D Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
This department contains works of art from Africa, the Pacific islands, and pre-Columbian America.
The collection expanded considerably in 1978 when the museumacquired a vast assortment of works donated by Nelson A.
Rockefeller, former United States vice president.
Now housed in a wing named for Rockefeller’s son, MichaelC.
Rockefeller, the department’s holdings are rich in pre-Columbian gold artifacts, ceramics from Peru, Dogon and Benin sculpture, and various objects from NewGuinea.
E Asian Art
The Asian Art collection contains some of the world’s finest examples of art from China, Japan, Korea, and South and Southeast Asia.
The works range from around3000 BC to the present.
The collections of Chinese painting, calligraphy, and monumental Buddhist bronzes, as well as Japanese screens, lacquerwork, and prints are especially notable.
See also Japanese Art and Architecture; Chinese Art and Architecture; Printing Techniques: Screen Printing .
F The Costume Institute
Founded in 1937, The Costume Institute is a research facility that collects, preserves, and exhibits clothing from the late 16th century to the present.
The departmentmaintains thousands of examples of costumes and accessories in storage.
It also operates an extensive library.
The Costume Institute holds special exhibitions threetimes a year to show aspects of costume history and contemporary fashion.
G Drawings and Prints
The drawings collection began in 1880 with a gift from American industrialist and philanthropist Cornelius Vanderbilt that consisted of 670 drawings by distinguishedEuropean artists.
The collection is now one of the finest of its kind in the world, especially in its examples of Italian and French drawings from the 15th century throughthe 19th century.
The print collection is especially comprehensive, rich in 15th-century German, 18th-century Italian, and 19th-century French images.
The collectionalso contains more than 12,000 illustrated books, many architectural designs, and a famous collection of baseball cards.
H Egyptian Art
Early in the 20th century the Met’s archaeological excavation program provided the museum with many fine examples of art from Egypt’s prehistoric period (before3000 BC) to the 8th century AD.
The collection is especially well endowed with art owned by Egyptian rulers during the Middle Kingdom (2040 to 1640 BC) and early New Kingdom (1550 to 1070 BC).
It also has many examples of funerary art (art used in burials) from the Late Period of Egyptian history, between the 700s and 300s BC (see Egypt: History ).
The collection of Egyptian art is now one of the most comprehensive outside Egypt, with 36,000 objects on view, including the mastaba (mud- brick) tomb of Perneb, an Egyptian dignitary who died in 2650 BC; royal portrait sculpture from Egypt’s 12th Dynasty (1900s to 1700s BC); the Sphinx of Amenhotep III, from the 18th Dynasty (1300s BC); and the Temple of Dendur, from the early Roman period (about 15 BC).
I European Paintings
The museum owns about 3000 paintings by distinguished European artists.
The Italian, Flemish, Dutch, and French schools of painting are most strongly represented,but there are also works by Spanish and British masters.
Of special significance are works by Italian painters Andrea Mantegna, Sandro Botticelli, Agnolo Bronzino, andGiovanni Battista Tiepolo; Flemish painters Jan van Eyck, Peter Paul Rubens, and Sir Anthony van Dyck; Dutch painters Rembrandt, Jan Vermeer, and Vincent vanGogh; Spanish painters Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, El Greco, and Goya ( see Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de); and French painters Gustave Courbet, Édouard Manet, and Claude Oscar Monet.
J European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
This department of more than 60,000 works of art includes sculpture, woodwork and furniture, ceramics and glass, metalwork and jewelry, clocks and watches,scientific instruments, and tapestries and textiles.
Many of the works are displayed in rooms decorated to reflect the periods in which the various objects were originallycreated.
The department’s most notable objects were created during the Italian Renaissance and in 18th-century France.
The collection also contains fine examples ofItalian majolica (tin-glazed pottery), and French and German porcelain.
K Greek and Roman Art
This collection represents several millennia and many civilizations.
It contains numerous examples of art from the Classical period of ancient Greece, from 475 to 323 BC, and ancient Roman art dating to around AD 313.
In addition, the collection features pre-Greek art from the ancient Cypriot, Minoan, and Mycenaean civilizations. Strengths of this department include ancient Greek sculpture from Cyprus, painted Greek vases, and Roman portrait busts and wall paintings.
The holdings in glass andsilver are among the finest in the world, and the sculpture collection from ancient Attica is the best outside Athens, Greece.
See also Greek Art and Architecture; Roman Art and Architecture.
L Islamic Art.
Liens utiles
- Metropolitan Museum of Art - beaux-arts.
- Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).
- Family of Man (The), célèbre exposition de photographies organisée au Museum of Modern Art de New York en 1955 par Edward Steichen.
- Guggenheim Museum, New York - art.
- Latin American Painting I INTRODUCTION Diego Rivera Museum Gallery The studio of Mexican painter Diego Rivera is now maintained as an art museum in Mexico City.