Manhattan Project - U.
Publié le 02/05/2013
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other possible uses of nuclear energy, such as using uranium to operate large power plants or, perhaps, as power sources for ships or submarines.
Then Nazi Germanyinvaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and Europe plunged into war.
The scientists realized that any plans to build large-scale nuclear power plants would have to waituntil the war was over.
Two weeks after the invasion of Poland, Hitler made a radio speech in which he threatened Britain with “a weapon against which there is no defense.” British intelligenceofficers monitored this speech and came up with four possible interpretations: (1) Hitler was bluffing, (2) the Nazis had developed a deadly poison gas, (3) Hitler wasreferring to the German Air Force, the Luftwaffe, or (4) the Germans had developed an atomic bomb.
In the fall of 1939 British intelligence could neither confirm nordeny the existence of a German atomic weapon.
Thus, Prime Minister Winston Churchill decided that Britain should take no chances, and he instructed British scientiststo investigate this possibility.
Because most of Britain’s scientists were already occupied with other work, the job fell to two refugee German physicists who had fled Nazi Germany but were not yetBritish citizens: Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls.
After intense study the two men produced the March 1940 Frisch-Peierls Memorandum.
This brief scientific paperconcluded that only the U 235 isotope fissioned—rather than the more abundant U 238.
Consequently, if U 235 could be separated from U 238, then only a relatively small amount of U 235 would be needed for a chain reaction to occur.
Fifty tons of natural uranium would not be required to make a bomb.
Instead, a bomb could be made by utilizing about a kilogram of U 235 (later revised upward to about 10 kg [22 lb]).
Although it would be difficult, scientists could separate U 235 from U 238 using industrial techniques.
The two scientists warned, however, that Britain might not wish to use this bomb because of the radioactive fallout that would occur.
Churchill’s governmentimmediately formed a top-level committee to further examine the report.
In 1941 this committee concluded that although the bomb program might cost as much as abattleship, Britain should pursue it.
“I wish I could tell you that the bomb is not going to work,” British scientist Sir James Chadwick told two American scientists, “but Iam 90 percent certain that it will.”
By 1940 British scientists viewed the possibility of creating an atomic weapon with utmost seriousness.
But German bombers could easily reach British targets, andChurchill knew that Britain could never build the gigantic factories necessary to produce such bombs.
Any new building of that size would be quickly spotted anddestroyed by the Luftwaffe.
So the British effort remained largely at the theoretical level.
B The U.S.
The U.S.
atomic bomb program moved at a somewhat slower pace.
Early in 1939 various émigré scientists living in the United States steadily campaigned for increasedU.S.
nuclear research.
They met so many obstacles, however, that they felt they were “swimming in syrup,” as the refugee Hungarian physicists Eugene Wigner andLeo Szilard put it.
In July 1939 Szilard, Wigner, and another refugee Hungarian physicist, Edward Teller, conferred on the best way to gain the attention of the U.S.government.
They decided on a plan to have the world’s most famous scientist, fellow refugee Albert Einstein, write a letter to President Franklin D.
Thethree men met with Einstein at his summer home on Long Island.
Einstein later signed his name to a letter, dated August 2, 1939, that officially warned Roosevelt of anew type of bomb.
Hidden in the hold of a ship, such a bomb could easily destroy a harbor city.
At the time no one dreamed that an atomic bomb could ever bedropped from an airplane.
(See the Sidebar, “Einstein’s Letter to Franklin D.
Alexander Sachs, an acquaintance of the scientists who was on familiar terms with Roosevelt, delivered the letter on October 11, 1939, a month after the Nazi invasionof Poland.
Although Roosevelt knew little about science, he immediately established an Advisory Committee on Uranium to look into the matter.
In June 1940 an evenmore important National Defense Research Committee came into being, followed by the Office of Scientific Research and Development on June 28, 1941.
Still, theAmericans never displayed the same fear or sense of urgency as the British until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Suddenly the United States was atwar with Japan and Germany.
With this, all discussion regarding an atomic bomb shifted from abstract theory to practical application: The nation that built the atomicbomb first would surely win the war.
In the months following Pearl Harbor, the U.S.
government completely reorganized its atomic bomb effort by enlisting the aid of the United States Army Corps ofEngineers.
The project shifted from a program dominated by scientists in university laboratories to a gigantic, nationwide construction project under the Corps ofEngineers’ Manhattan Engineer District (hence the name “Manhattan Project”).
Brigadier General Leslie R.
Groves, an able engineer who had helped build the Pentagon,assumed overall charge of the project.
Groves insisted on a complete refocus for all nuclear research.
All discussion of postwar power plants or individual power sourcesfor airplanes, ships, or submarines had to cease.
From then on, the project had only one goal: to create an atomic weapon to end the war in the shortest possible time.
Groves began by enlisting the aid of several large American corporations, including Chrysler, General Electric, Eastman Kodak, Westinghouse, and DuPont.
He also calledon numerous universities, such as the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Columbia University in New York City, the University of Chicago, the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, and the University of Rochester in New York, to conduct further nuclear research.
Finally, he oversaw the creation of threegigantic federal installations at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Hanford, Washington; and Los Alamos, New Mexico.
The race to beat the Nazis to the secret of the atomic bombhad begun in earnest.
Groves did not assume control of the project until the fall of 1942, by which time the United States had been at war with the Axis powers for almost nine months.
Boldnewspaper headlines followed the fortunes of the U.S.
Army, Navy, and Marines on a daily basis.
Americans read in detail about the fierce battles in Europe and thePacific.
But the Manhattan Project moved along a completely different track.
Groves forbade any publicity about its research and insisted on the “compartmentalization”of knowledge for all project workers.
This meant that a person knew only enough to do his or her task, but no more.
This proved frustrating, for ordinary workers aswell as for the top-level scientists.
Still, a strict “culture of secrecy” blanketed the entire project.
Meanwhile, the scientists continued their research at a furious pace.
Enrico Fermi moved his experiments from Columbia University to the Metallurgical Laboratory (MetLab) at the University of Chicago, which loaned him a squash court under the unused Stagg football stadium.
There Fermi and his crew assembled a gigantic pile ofuranium and graphite blocks that reached almost to the ceiling.
Fermi had discovered that graphite could be used to moderate, or control, a chain reaction.
On theafternoon of December 2, 1942—almost four years after Bohr had brought the news of uranium fission to the United States—Fermi oversaw the world’s first controlledrelease of nuclear energy.
The pile produced only enough energy to light a small flashlight, but all the scientists’ theories had proven correct: Humankind had created,and, for the moment controlled, the release of atomic energy.
All atomic weapons and all nuclear power plants trace their ancestry to this moment.
Fermi’s successful experiment reassured the scientists that they were on the right path, but the technical problems that lay ahead were enormous.
General Groves laterlikened the process to a “manufacturer who tried to build an automobile full of watch machinery, with the precision that was required of watchmaking, and theknowledge that the failure of a single part would mean complete failure of the whole project.” Perhaps the central hurdle lay with the fact that the most common form ofuranium—U 238—does not fission.
The U 235 isotope does fission, but only 1 in every 140 uranium atoms is the isotope U 235.
Thus, the scientists had to devise a means to separate several pounds of U 235 from U 238 on an atom-by-atom basis.
The separation could not be done by chemical methods because the two isotopes are chemically the same.
Instead, they had to be separated physically.
B1 Oak Ridge.
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