Publié le 11/05/2013
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by bacterial infections.
But hepatitis is most often caused by one of several viruses.
The hepatitis A virus (HAV) can produce flulike symptoms and jaundice, but manypeople who contract it have no symptoms.
The disease tends to resolve on its own.
Because HAV lives in feces in the intestinal tract, hepatitis A is prevalent in areaswhere drinking water is contaminated with raw sewage.
Good hygiene practices and a hepatitis A vaccination are effective measures of prevention.
Hepatitis B is a more serious ailment.
Unlike HAV, hepatitis B virus (HBV) may remain active in the body for many years after the time of infection, sometimespermanently damaging the liver.
HBV is found in blood and other body fluids—tears, saliva, and semen—and is spread through unprotected sexual intercourse and thesharing of infected needles or other sharp objects that puncture the skin.
In developed countries, alcohol-induced liver diseases far outnumber hepatitis and all other liver disorders.
Heavy alcohol use causes fat deposits to build up in the liver,possibly leading to chronic hepatitis, which causes scarring and destruction of liver cells.
Over many years, scarring in the liver can progress to cirrhosis, a diseasecharacterized by diminished blood flow through this important organ.
When this occurs, toxins are not adequately removed from the blood, blood pressure increases inthe hepatic portal vein, and substances produced by the liver, such as blood proteins, are not adequately regulated.
Cirrhosis cannot be reversed, but liver function cansignificantly improve in people who stop consuming alcohol during the early stages of this condition.
Beyond abstinence from alcohol, treatments for cirrhosis mayinclude drug therapy or surgery to redirect blood flow.
For people with severe liver disease or impending liver failure, organ transplantation may be an option.
Unlike some organ transplants, such as kidney transplants, livertransplants are complex procedures that have not had high long-term success rates.
Fortunately, new techniques and drugs are improving the outcome of livertransplants.
Current success rates range between 60 and 80 percent, with more than half of recent transplant recipients surviving more than five years.
Most of thesepeople have an excellent prognosis for leading healthy, normal lives.
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