Lettre-type - Invitation à un événement commercial
Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs],
We have the pleasure to invite you to attend [événement] organized at [heure] on [date] at [lieu] by [société].
This commercial show promises to be very informative and exciting. We would be delighted to meet you there. We have arranged to [...]. You will find enclosed literature about the main exhibitors who might interest you.
We thank you to let us know if you intend to come, so that we can make arrangements to...
Would you need any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely
[votre nom]
[votre fonction]
Liens utiles
- Modèle de lettre-type (anglais) - Invitation à un événement commercial
- Courrier-type en anglais - Remerciements pour invitation à un évènement commercial
- Lettre-type - Réponse à l'offre de service d'un agent commercial (1)
- Lettre-type - Rapport d'un agent commercial
- Lettre-type - Proposition de contrat à un agent commercial