Lettre-type - Annonce d'un nouveau service
Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs],
In order to answer the customer demand, we have the pleasure to inform you of the launching of a new [service] as from [date].
This [service] involves [spécifications] and will enable you to [...]. Notwithstanding the [avantages], this [service] will give you [autre avantage].
You will find enclosed details about its installation and [...].
We look forward to receiving your first order and hope it will give entire satisfaction.
Yours sincerely
[votre nom]
[votre fonction]
Liens utiles
- Lettre-type - Réponse à l'offre de service d'un agent commercial (1)
- Lettre-type - Proposition de service (1)
- Lettre-type - Commande et annonce de l'ouverture d'un crédit
- Lettre-type - Annonce d'expédition de marchandises (à l'agent)
- Lettre-type - Annonce d'un nouveau produit (2)