Devoir de Philosophie

Lettre de motivation en anglais - Trader - Cambiste (E-U)

Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

Dear Sir/Madam, I am responding to your advertisement in the Wall Street Journal dated 22 Nov 2000 seeking a Stock Trader with a background in financial analysis. You can see from my resume that I have accomplished a lot in my short career, and I hope to take it even further with a reputable company such as MLC. Also attached is a list of testimonials from my former employers and clients. I am sure my expertise and quality work will enhance the department I might be working for and also increase the customer satisfaction and relationship to its max. I will be ready to attend an interview at any time that might suit your convenience in the very near future. Thank you. Yours sincerely Prénom Nom

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