Le Joker (anglais)
Publié le 08/12/2011
Extrait du document
In the movie “The Dark Knight” The Joker was played by Heath Ledger. He’s good at playing with knives and has an unpleasant tendency to juggle with explosives; he is recognizable by his white makeup, green hair, a long purple dress and a distorted mouth full of scars. He is the sworn enemy of Batman, the black justiciary of Gotham City. The Joker shows his talents as a prestidigitator in the scene of the \"magic pen\". Intelligent but a bit (even many) crazy, he is cunning, sadistic, completely self-cantered, and makes jokes all the time, although his jokes are very questionable. Furthermore, he is aware of his own folly, but sees himself as unrecoverable. His goal is to plunge Gotham into darkness and chaos by chaining robbery, destruction of the hospital, and other crimes. The penguin is also an enemy of Batman. He is a cruel being who wears a top hat, a monocle and a cigarette holder as his only accessories in short, he is always smartly dressed, using umbrellas rigged with electronic gadgets to commit his crimes. The Joker prefers \"traditional\" ways leaving clues. We consider the Penguin as an infamous and cruel being, all his life he was the victim of mockery and ridicule, as the joker who was martyred by his former boss.
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