Latin America.
Publié le 03/05/2013
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adequate housing and services, most were forced to live in shantytowns that came to encircle all large Latin American cities.
One of the key problems facing Latin America in the late 20th century was the rapid rise of external debt during the 1980s.
The borrowed money had been used bycorrupt, or at best inefficient, governments in non-productive projects.
These large debts meant that many countries had to spend up to 30 percent of their net incometo pay interest on their loans.
Some countries, such as Peru and Mexico, refused to pay or demanded rescheduling of payments.
Others, such as Brazil, have been ableto pay off their debt by exchanging natural resources for debt reduction.
Another problem that has plagued several countries is rampant inflation, a result of pooreconomic management as well as the international recession of the 1980s.
International donor agencies such as the World Bank have required countries to imposeharsh fiscal austerity measures, which in turn have caused unemployment, a higher cost of living, and widespread poverty.
During the 1990s many Latin American nations moved away from the traditional Latin American approach to economies, in which the government played a major role ineconomic planning.
In an effort to boost economic production, many nations removed price controls, cut back on social programs, and reduced the benefits andguarantees formerly enjoyed by government workers.
Many countries, including Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina, began to rapidly privatize nationalized industries,such as electric and telephone companies.
These policies enhanced efficiency, but they also increased unemployment and caused growing discontent among the poor.
In addition, many Latin American economiessuffered serious setbacks following the collapse of economies in Asia in 1997.
The Asian crisis spread to Latin America, where economies slowed considerably and waryforeign investors withdrew their funds.
A reduction in world oil prices in the late 1990s also caused problems in countries such as Venezuela and Ecuador, where oilproduction generated a considerable portion of the national wealth.
The development of free trade within Latin America and with other countries has also had an economic impact.
Beginning in the early 1960s with the Latin AmericanFree Trade Agreement (LAFTA), several Latin American countries have formed trading associations to improve their competitive positions in the world market.
In 1969the Andean Pact (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela) was formed, but by 1977 Chile had withdrawn from the union and most of the countries hadreverted to exporting their most successful products in disregard of trade agreements, and in open competition with each other.
Several new regional groupings havesince emerged: the Central American Common Market (CACM, founded in 1960, comprising Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua); theCaribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM, founded in 1973, comprising 13 Caribbean nations); the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA,founded in 1994, comprising Canada, Mexico, and the United States); the Southern Cone Common Market (known by its Spanish acronym MERCOSUR, founded in 1995,comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, with Bolivia as an observer); and the Group of Three (founded in 1995, comprising Colombia, Mexico, andVenezuela).
Each group attempts to provide advantages for its members by setting low tariffs on certain goods in order to stimulate the flow of goods, services, andcapital investment.
Several radical political changes have also deeply affected Latin America since the 1960s.
Military dictatorships have generally given way to democratically electedgovernments, and countries such as Panama, Nicaragua, and Mexico now allow foreign observers to monitor their free elections.
Economic problems, however, have hada significant impact on the political systems in the region.
Elected governments still tend to support their own interests, or those of elite groups.
In many cases suffrageand voter turnout are not true indicators of democracy; many of the poorest residents are now poorer and more marginalized than they were in the 1970s.
Mostinvestment is still directed to the growing urban centers, leaving rural zones underdeveloped.
In several countries the desperation stemming from poverty, governmental neglect, corrupt politics, and unrealizable progress, has stimulated charismatic local leadersto initiate regional protest movements.
Northeastern Brazil, Eastern Colombia, the Peruvian Andes, and the Mexican state of Chiapas are some of the sites of suchmovements.
In Peru the Shining Path guerrilla movement was responsible for thousands of deaths and massive infrastructure destruction between the years of 1970and 1992, when its leader was captured.
Another Peruvian rebel group, the Tupac Amarú Revolutionary Movement, captured the Japanese embassy in Lima in 1996and held dozens of diplomats and military personnel hostage for several months before government troops successfully stormed the building and killed all the hostage-takers.
In Mexico a rebel group made up primarily of Native Americans gained international renown in January 1994 when it attacked federal troops and capturedseveral towns in southern Mexico.
Known as the Zapatistas, the rebels were able to pressure the Mexican government to agree to institute reforms that would giveNative Americans more power in Mexico’s political system.
In Colombia, as in Peru, drug traffickers pose serious threats to peace and stability.
Faced with such challenges to political power, many governments have turned to brutal repression to silence the voices of protest.
Human-rights violations have beendocumented in Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Cuba.
The globalization of the world economy also poses great challenges for Latin America’s future.
In themid-1990s, Latin American nations have focused on increasing their participation in an increasingly technological world economy.
Contributed By:David J.
RobinsonMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved..
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