Devoir de Philosophie

Jules César

Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

Jules César was born in Roma the twelfth in July one hundred years before Jesus Christ and died the fifteen in March forty four years before Jesus Christ. Firstly, born into a patrician family César youth was a tumultuous time in the Roman Republic. Gaius Julius Caesar (Jules César) was a statesman, and also a roman writer and a roman general. He played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. On the one hand, his exceptional fate marked the Roman world and the world history. He was bright and ambitious. He leaned on the current reformer and the demagogue for his political ascent: strategist and skillful tactician, he pushed away the Roman Borders to the “Rhein” and in the Atlantic Ocean by conquering the Gaul. He gained against Vercingétorix a very difficult battle in Alésia in 52 before Jesus Christ. Then, he used his legion to seize the power. He was appointed Dictator for his life. On the other hand, I admire Caesar for all the conquests that he made all over the world and I think it was the most famous and better of all statesmen. Indeed, it's not a man as the others; this is why he was murdered by a plot of senators. As a matter of fact, the conspirators eliminated Caesar because they are frightened by him who wanted become the King.

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