Inorganic Chemistry - chemistry.
Publié le 11/05/2013
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two electrically charged plates (positively charged top plate and negatively charged bottom plate).
By measuring the difference in how fast these electron-laden oildrops fell when the metal plates were charged and uncharged, Millikan was able to calculate the total charge on each oil drop.
Because each measurement was a wholenumber multiple of -1.60 × 10 -19 coulombs, Millikan concluded this was the charge carried by a single electron.
Using Thomson’s electron charge-to-mass ratio, Millikan then calculated the mass of a single electron to be approximately 9.109 × 10 -28 grams.
In 1913 Danish physicist Niels Bohr developed a theoretical model of the hydrogen atom.
Bohr proposed that electrons moving around the nucleus remain in certainquantifiable orbits called orbitals.
These orbitals are similar to the paths of the planets orbiting around the sun.
Bohr’s research further revealed that the electronorbitals correspond to fixed energy levels, or shells, similar to the layers of an onion.
Each energy level may include several different orbitals ( see Atom: Bohr Atom ).
In 1925 Austrian-born physicist Wolfgang Pauli proposed his exclusion principle, lending considerable understanding to the complex behavior of electrons in the atom.Pauli’s exclusion principle states that each orbital within an energy shell can hold a maximum of two electrons, and that when two electrons occupy the same orbital,these electrons will have opposite spins about their own axis.
Spin is a property of angular momentum that all electrons possess.
In 1926 Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger applied the wave properties of matter to the arrangement of electrons within the atom.
This work, known as quantumtheory, models the configuration and the increasing number of orbitals contained in each successive shell moving away from the nucleus.
In general, electrons fill thelowest-energy shells first.
Once a lower-energy shell is filled, electrons begin filling the next highest energy level.
B Protons
In the early 1900s, Thomson also proved that positively charged particles are a fundamental part of the atom.
Thomson used a modified cathode-ray tube filled withhydrogen gas.
By passing a spark through the gas, he was able to bump the electrons off of the hydrogen atoms, leaving particles known as ions.
Thomson acceleratedthe hydrogen ions through an electric field and observed that the ions deflected toward the negatively charged electrode (electric conductor).
As a result, Thomsoncorrectly concluded that hydrogen ions contain positively charged particles; these particles are now referred to as protons.
Experiments using an instrument known as a mass spectrometer revealed that protons have a mass roughly 1800 times greater than that of electrons.
The massspectrometer also showed that each element is differentiated by the number of protons it contains (known as the atomic number).
The elements are arranged in theperiodic table by increasing atomic number.
For example, hydrogen has one proton, helium has two, and lithium has three.
C Nucleus and Neutrons
In the early 1900s, British physicist Ernest Rutherford discovered both the nucleus of the atom and neutrons.
He conducted experiments that shot positively chargedsubatomic particles through metal foil.
Rutherford observed that nearly all the subatomic particles passed straight through the foil, while a few were deflected at largeangles.
From these observations, Rutherford concluded that each atom in a metal foil must have an extremely dense core, or nucleus, deflecting the few particles thatcome near it.
This core is surrounded by a much greater volume of empty space, which allows most particles to pass through.
From the large angles of deflection,Rutherford concluded that the nucleus was positively charged and that it repelled the subatomic particles.
By measuring these angles, he was also able to estimate thenumber of protons in the nucleus.
However, because the mass of the protons accounted only for half the weight of the nucleus, Rutherford hypothesized that an equalnumber of neutrally charged particles must also compose the nucleus.
These particles were later named neutrons.
Seeking to explain how atoms in elements combine to form molecules, American chemists Gilbert Lewis and Irving Langmuir developed the theory of electron valence in1916.
They proposed that chemical bonds form between electrons residing in the outermost, or valence, shell of each bonding atom.
When two atoms share a pair ofvalence electrons, they form a chemical bond.
The Langmuir-Lewis theory provided insight into Mendeleyev’s periodic law by stating that an element’s reactivity is largely determined by the number of electrons inthe outer shell of its atoms.
Because elements in the same group (or column) on the periodic table all have an equal number of valence electrons, the Langmuir-Lewistheory explains why elements within each group share similar reactivities and properties.
Moving left to right across the periodic table, element groups have increasinglyfilled outer shells.
For example, Group 1 elements (alkali metal elements) each contain only a single valence electron, while Group 18 elements (noble gases) havecompletely filled outer shells.
As a result, the alkali metal elements are extremely reactive, and the noble gases are extremely stable and unreactive, or inert.
Twentieth-century scientists observed that in order to achieve the energetic stability of the noble gases, elements seek to fill their outer shell with electrons.
To becomemore energetically stable, atoms often borrow or share electrons from other atoms, forming ionic or covalent chemical bonds.
A Ionic Bonds
Atoms form ionic bonds when they gain or lose electrons and subsequently become electrically charged.
An atom that gains an electron is known as a negative ion, andan atom that loses an electron is known as a positive ion.
Ionic bonds form between elements having atoms that are close to completing their valence shell and elements having atoms that hold few electrons in their valenceshell.
For example, chlorine (Cl) is only one electron short of filling its valence shell, so it has a strong affinity for electrons.
It can easily pull an electron away fromsodium (Na), which only has one loosely held valence electron.
As a result of this electron exchange, two ions form: a negative chlorine ion (Cl -), and a positive sodium ion (Na +).
These oppositely charged ions attract each other, combining in equal proportions to form common table salt: Na + + Cl - → NaCl.
B Covalent Bonds
Covalent bonds form between atoms that have a tendency to share valence electrons to complete their outer shell.
Such atoms form electrically neutral groups of atomscalled molecules.
Many familiar substances are composed of molecules.
Oxygen atoms are two electrons short of filling their outer shell.
Oxygen bonds with twohydrogen atoms (each possessing a single electron) to form water (H 2O).
Chlorine (Cl), which is one electron short of filling its outer shell, shares a valence electron with another chlorine atom to form Cl 2, thereby filling the outer shells of both atoms.
Nitrogen (N), which is three electrons short of filling its outer shell, bonds with three hydrogen atoms to form ammonia (NH 3).
Most bonds that occur in compounds are actually a combination of covalent and ionic bonding.
Generally, however, bonds in which one or more electrons remain with one atom for most of the time are called ionic, while bonds in which the electrons are equally shared for most of the time arecalled covalent.
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