Devoir de Philosophie

Illinois - Facts and Figures.

Publié le 10/05/2013

Extrait du document

Illinois - Facts and Figures. GENERAL INFORMATION Capital Statehood Springfield December 3, 1818 the 21st state State nickname Name for residents State motto Abbreviation The Prairie State Illinoisans State sovereignty-national union IL LAND Total area 149,997 sq km 57,914 sq mi Rank among states in total area Land area 25th 143,987 sq km 55,594 sq mi Highest point Charles Mound 376 m/1,235 ft Forested land as a share of total area Federally owned land as a share of land area 12.2 percent (2002) 1.9 percent (2002) PEOPLE Population Rank among states in population Ten-year population growth Population density 12,852,548 (2007 estimate) 5th 8.6 percent (1990-2000) 89 persons per sq km (2006 estimate) 231 persons per sq mi (2006 estimate) Urban population Largest cities (by population) Chicago 87.8 percent (2000) 2,833,321 (2006) A urora 170,617 (2006) Rockford 155,138 (2006) Naperville 142,901 (2006) Peoria 113,107 (2006) Ethnic groups Whites 73.5 percent (2000) Blacks 15.1 percent (2000) Asians 3.4 percent (2000) Native Americans 0.2 percent (2000) Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders Mixed heritage or not reporting Hispanics (of any race) less than 0.1 percent (2000) 7.7 percent (2000) 12.3 percent (2000) HEALTH AND EDUCATION Life expectancy Infant mortality rate 74.9 years (1989-1991) 8 deaths per 1,000 live births (2004) Residents per physician 367 people (2005) Residents per hospital bed 370 people (2005) Share of population not covered by health insurance 14 percent (2006) Number of students per teacher (K-12) 16.5 (2003) Government spending per student (K-12) $9,851 (2002-2003) Share of students attending private school 14.8 percent (1999) Share of people over age 25 with high school diploma 85 percent (2006) GOVERNMENT State government Governor Rod Blagojevich (term ends January 2011) Legislature Senate, 59 members House of Representatives, 118 members National representation Members of the U.S. Senate 2 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives 19 Electoral votes 21 ECONOMY Gross state product (GSP) Income per capita $590 billion (2006) $34,725 (2004) GSP by economic sector Agriculture, forestry, and fishing 0.7 percent (2004) Industry Construction 4.7 percent (2004) Manufacturing 13.6 percent (2004) Mining 0.2 percent (2004) Transportation and utilities 5.9 percent (2004) Services Finance, insurance, and real estate G overnment Information technology 22.4 percent (2004) 8.6 percent (2004) 4 percent (2004) Retail trade Wholesale trade Other services 6 percent (2004) 7.1 percent (2004) 26.6 percent (2004) Employment Number of workers 6,613,000 (2006 estimate) Unemployment rate 4.5 percent (2006 estimate) Share of workers in unions 16.9 percent (2005) ENERGY, COMMUNICATIONS, AND TRANSPORTATION Electricity production Share from geothermal, solar, and wind 0.4 percent (2005 estimate) Share from hydroelectric 0.1 percent (2005 estimate) Share from nuclear 48 percent (2005 estimate) Share from thermal 51.5 percent (2005 estimate) Daily newspaper circulation per 1,000 people Share of households with Internet access Number of library books circulated per resident Length of highways 166 newspapers per 1,000 people (2006 estimate) 51.1 percent (2003 estimate) 7.9 books per person (2002) 223,430 km (2005) 138,833 mi (2005) Length of interstate highways 3,491 km (2005) 2,169 mi (2005) Length of railroad tracks 11,809 km (2004) 7,338 mi (2004) Airports 16 (2007) SOURCES The Association of American Railroads (, Bureau of Economic Analysis (, Bureau of Labor Statistics (, Census Bureau (, Energy Information Administration (, Federal Aviation Administration (, Federal Highway Administration (, Forest Service (, General Services Administration (, National Agricultural Statistics Service (, National Center for Education Statistics (, National Center for Health Statistics (, National Telecommunications and Information Administration ( Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

« Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders less than 0.1 percent (2000) Mixed heritage or not reporting 7.7 percent (2000) Hispanics (of any race) 12.3 percent (2000) HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy 74.9 years (1989-1991) Infant mortality rate 8 deaths per 1,000 live births (2004) Residents per physician 367 people (2005) Residents per hospital bed 370 people (2005) Share of population not covered by health insurance 14 percent (2006) Number of students per teacher (K-12) 16.5 (2003) Government spending per student (K-12) $9,851 (2002-2003) Share of students attending private school 14.8 percent (1999) Share of people over age 25 with high school diploma 85 percent (2006) GOVERNMENTState governmentGovernor Rod Blagojevich (term ends January 2011) Legislature Senate, 59 members House of Representatives, 118 members National representationMembers of the U.S.

Senate 2 Members of the U.S.

House of Representatives 19 Electoral votes 21 ECONOMYGross state product (GSP) $590 billion (2006) Income per capita $34,725 (2004) GSP by economic sectorAgriculture, forestry, and fishing 0.7 percent (2004) IndustryConstruction 4.7 percent (2004) Manufacturing 13.6 percent (2004) Mining 0.2 percent (2004) Transportation and utilities 5.9 percent (2004) ServicesFinance, insurance, and real estate 22.4 percent (2004) Government 8.6 percent (2004) Information technology 4 percent (2004). »


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