Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
HARZBURG FRONT; label attached to the so-called National Opposition
against Heinrich Bru¨ning's* government. Comprised of the NSDAP (Hitler*),
the DNVP (Alfred Hugenberg*), the Stahlhelm* (Franz Seldte*), the Pan-
German League, and the Vaterla¨ndische Verba¨nde, the members convened at
Hugenberg's invitation on 11 October 1931 in Bad Harzburg, two days after
Bru¨ning announced a new cabinet. They were joined by Hjalmar Schacht,* Fritz
Thyssen,* Hans von Seeckt,* and other notables, thus providing Hugenberg with
a broad-based public demonstration. The gathering issued demands for Bru¨-
ning's resignation, the termination of emergency decrees, and new elections in
Germany and Prussia.* But while they voiced a desire to assume control of the
state, the attendees held no common political program. By the presidential elections
of April 1932, the Harzburg Front had disintegrated.
Although Hitler went to Harzburg with misgivings, he profited from the meeting
without needing to commit to Hugenberg's political program, as the latter
had desired. With the public already viewing the NSDAP as part of the ‘‘honorable''
Right, Hitler used Harzburg to initiate active courtship of industry, the
military, and the Junkers.* Karl Dietrich Bracher claimed that the coalition Hitler
formed in January 1933 was largely a revival of the October 1931 affiliation.
Without the Harzburg precedent, Hindenburg* would have found it infinitely
more difficult to appoint Hitler Chancellor.
Liens utiles
- Le front pionnier amazonien
- Les artistes tués au front
- L’œuvre du Front populaire (1936-1938) - Bac Histoire
- K . MARX, Principes d'une critique de l'économie politique: «Tu travailleras à la sueur de ton front !»
- Un poète a écrit à propos des petits enfants : Leurs essais d'exister sont divinement gauches; On croit dans leur parole, où tremblent des ébauches, Voir un reste du ciel qui se dissipe et fuit... Car les petits enfants étaient hier encore Dans le ciel et savaient ce que la terre ignore... Leur front tourné vers nous nous éclaire et nous dore... Ils trébuchent encore, ivres du paradis. En vous inspirant de ces vers, et en y ajoutant tout ce que pourront vous suggérer vos impressions, v