Fungus - biology.
Publié le 11/05/2013
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Many fungi can reproduce by the fragmentation of their hyphae.
Each fragment develops into a new individual.
Yeast, a small, single-celled fungus, reproduces bybudding, in which a bump forms on the yeast cell, eventually partitioning from the cell and growing into a new yeast cell.
Scientists have long disagreed about how to classify fungi, and the classification systems are still developing.
The first description of fungi was published in 1729 byItalian botanist Pier Antonio Micheli.
Fungi were initially classified in the Plant Kingdom, and the field of fungus study, or mycology, developed as a branch of botany.Recognition of the unique characteristics of fungi led mycologists to establish a separate kingdom, Kingdom Fungi, in the late 1960s.
More recently, some mycologistshave noted that some organisms, such as slime molds, downy mildews, and water molds, have characteristics that place them in the Kingdom Protista rather than thefungi.
Unlike true fungi, some slime molds have a mobile, multinucleate feeding stage similar to amoebas.
Downy mildews and water molds produce motile cells for partof their life cycle, have hyphal walls that lack chitin, and make an egg cell and sperm nuclei.
Some scientists have proposed that downy mildews and water moldsdeserve to be classified in a separate kingdom, called Kingdom Stramenopila.
Fungi are classified primarily by the type of spores and fruiting bodies produced.
Many mycologists divide the Kingdom Fungi into four main phyla: Chytridiomycota,Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota.
A fifth phylum, Deuteromycota, is used by some taxonomists for fungi that typically produce only asexual spores.
The phylum Chytridiomycota, commonly called Chytrids, includes approximately 800 species that are found in aquatic (freshwater and marine) or moist habitats. Chytrids are among the smallest and simplest fungi.
Most have a central body with small tubelike extensions, while others produce a small network of hyphae.
Chytridsdevelop a structure called a sporangium that has motile spores equipped with a posterior flagellum, a long, whiplike tail that aids in locomotion.
Chytrids grow assaprobes in damp soils and water, or as parasites of plants, animals, algae, protists, and other fungi.
Some do not require oxygen and live only in the guts of plant-eating animals, where they break down material containing cellulose and other compounds.
Because chytrid spores are motile, some mycologists have classified them inthe Kingdom Protista.
The Zygomycota include approximately 900 terrestrial species, including many important decomposers, mycorrhizal fungi, and parasites of spiders and insects.
One of the most common zygomycetes is black bread mold, often found on bread, fruit, and other foods.
The fungus looks like a fuzzy growth with tiny black dots at the tips ofthe fuzz.
The black dots are sporangia growing at the ends of special hyphae.
The sporangia produce asexual, nonswimming spores called sporangiospores.Zygomycetes reproduce sexually by forming thick-walled zygospores.
The largest group of fungi, with around 50,000 known species, is the Ascomycota, or sac fungi.
This group includes yeasts, lichens, morels, cup fungi, truffles, and anumber of plant parasites such as powdery mildews.
Named for the sexual spores produced inside saclike cells called asci (singular, ascus) , Ascomycota also may produce very fine, almost powdery asexual spores called conidia .
Certain Ascomycota such as cup fungi produce fruiting bodies with sexual spores on their upper surface, while others, including the truffles, produce sexual spores inside tuber-like fruiting bodies that develop underground.
Ascomycetes are used to produce Camembert and Roquefort cheeses.
The slight grittiness in these cheeses is due to conidia being crushed between the teeth.
Themold ergot, which infects the flowers of rye and other grains, produces toxins that can poison humans and other animals that eat the infected grain.
The yeast Candida albicans is a common pathogen of humans, causing such ailments as oral thrush and vaginal yeast infections.
In people with weakened immune systems, this yeast may spread widely throughout the body and become life threatening.
The Basidiomycota, also known as club fungi, include around 25,000 species of mushrooms, puffballs, bird’s nest fungi, jelly fungi, rusts, smuts, and shelf and bracketfungi.
This division contains important plant parasites, mutualists, and saprobes, including decay fungi that cause brown rot and white rot of wood.
These fungi arenamed for their specialized, club-shaped reproductive cells, called basidia, which form spores called basidiospores.
Basidia may line gills or tubes on the underside offleshy fruiting bodies, which consists of a stalk and cap—the familiar components of most mushrooms.
Certain Basidiomycota produce spores inside tuber-likeunderground fruiting bodies, called “false truffles.”
Many basidiomycetes are saprobes, which play a vital role in the decomposition of litter, wood, and dung.
A number of mushrooms are good to eat, such as boletes andchantarelles, both of which are highly prized for their distinct flavor.
Other mushrooms are well known for their poisonous qualities, including the death cap ( Amanita phalloides ).
Some, such as the liberty cap ( Psilocybe semilanceata ) and the fly agaric ( Amanita muscaria ), are well known for their hallucinogenic properties. Smuts—such as Ustilago, which attacks corn, and stinking smut ( Tilletia ), which attacks wheat—are common basidiomycetes that invade flowering plants, especially cereal grasses, and cause serious economic loss.
Rusts, such as Puccinia , which attacks wheat, invade plant cells of agricultural crops and forest trees, causing millions of dollars in losses each year.
The Deuteromycota, or imperfect fungi, comprise about 25,000 species, many of which do not have a defined sexual cycle.
They typically reproduce asexually by sporescalled conidia on specialized hyphae called conidiophores.
The deuteromycetes include many molds, some of which are important to humans.
Penicillium, the mold used to develop the first antibiotic, is sometimes classified in the Deuteromycota.
On the other side of the ledger, the deuteromycetes also include organisms such asringworm that are serious animal and plant pathogens.
Fungi have been used as a food source since the beginning of recorded history.
Mushrooms add flavor, texture, and nutritional value to many dishes.
In North Americain recent years, a variety of mushrooms have gained popularity, including portabella, cremini, oyster, morel, chantarelle, wood or tree ear, truffle, matsutake, andshiitake.
Truffles—tuber-like, fleshy fungi with a characteristic taste and aroma—are highly prized by gourmet chefs.
Harvested most commonly in France and northern Italy,truffles are collected with the aid of trained dogs or pigs that use scent to hunt these fungi hidden beneath the soil.
The price for truffles in Europe may reach as high as$500 (U.S.) per pound in some years.
Other fungi are used in the manufacture of foods.
Yeast, for example, is added to fruit juice, which it ferments to produce wine.
Yeasts also are used in themanufacturing of beer, and they are added to dough to make bread rise, producing more volume and a lighter texture in the final baked product.
Certain molds areused to ripen cheeses, such as Brie, Camembert, and the characteristic blue-veined Roquefort.
In Asia, fungi are added to soybeans and allowed to ferment to makeseveral food products—soy sauce is made with the mold Aspergillus, and tempeh is made with the black bread mold Rhizopus .
Many fungi also produce biologically active compounds that are useful in manufacturing.
These compounds include alcohols—such as ethanol and glycerol producedduring fermentation—and plant growth regulators—such as giberellic acid, which is used in the promotion of plant and fruit development.
Fungi are extremely importantin the production of antibiotics; for example, penicillin, griseofulvin, cyclosporine, and cephalosporin are used to fight bacterial and fungal diseases worldwide.
Fungi are becoming an increasingly important tool in cleaning the environment.
The accumulation of pesticides and other chemicals in the environment is destroyingmany ecosystems, and placing many animal and plant species at risk.
A number of fungi are used in bioremediation, in which the fungi are mixed with polluted water or.
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