From Bulfinch's Mythology: Arthur - anthology.
Publié le 12/05/2013
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It must not be concealed, that the very existence of Arthur has been denied by some.
Milton [17th-century English poet John Milton] says of him: 'As to Arthur, morerenowned in songs and romances than in true stories, who he was, and whether ever any such reigned in Britain, hath been doubted heretofore, and may again, withgood reason.' Modern critics, however, admit that there was a prince of this name, and find proof of it in the frequent mention of him in the writings of the Welshbards.
But the Arthur of romance, according to Mr.
Owen, a Welsh scholar and antiquarian, is a mythological person.
'Arthur,' he says, 'is the Great Bear, as thename literally implies (Arctos, Arcturus), and perhaps this constellation, being so near the pole, and visibly describing a circle in a small space, is the origin of thefamous Round Table.' Let us now turn to the history of King Arthur, as recorded by the romantic chroniclers.
Constans, king of Britain, had three sons, Moines, Ambrosius, otherwise called Uther, and Pendragon.
Moines, soon after his accession to the crown, was vanquishedby the Saxons, in consequence of the treachery of his seneschal [steward], Vortigern, and growing unpopular, through misfortune, he was killed by his subjects, andthe traitor Vortigern chosen in his place.
Vortigern was soon after defeated in a great battle by Uther and Pendragon, the surviving brothers of Moines, and Pendragon ascended the throne.
This prince had great confidence in the wisdom of Merlin, and made him his chief adviser.
About this time a dreadful war arose between the Saxons and Britons.Merlin obliged the royal brothers to swear fidelity to each other, but predicted that one of them must fall in the first battle.
The Saxons were routed, and Pendragon,being slain, was succeeded by Uther, who now assumed, in addition to his own name, the appellation of Pendragon.
Merlin still continued a favorite counsellor.
At the request of Uther, he transported by magic art enormous stones from Ireland, to form the sepulchre of Pendragon.These stones constitute the monument now called Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain.
Merlin next proceeded to Carlisle to prepare the Round Table, at which he seated an assemblage of the great nobles of the country.
The companions admitted to thishigh order were bound by oath to assist each other at the hazard of their own lives, to attempt singly the most perilous adventures, to lead, when necessary, a life ofmonastic solitude, to fly to arms at the first summons, and never to retire from battle till they had defeated the enemy, unless night intervened and separated thecombatants.
Soon after this institution, the king invited all his barons to the celebration of a great festival, which he proposed holding annually at Carlisle.
As the knights had obtained the sovereign's permission to bring their ladies along with them, the beautiful Igerne accompanied her husband, Gerlois, Duke ofTintadiel [or Tintagel], to one of these anniversaries.
The king became deeply enamored of the Duchess, and disclosed his passion; but Igerne repelled his advances,and revealed his solicitations to her husband.
On hearing this, the Duke instantly removed from court with Igerne, and without taking leave of Uther.
The kingcomplained to his council of this want of duty, and they decided that the Duke should be summoned to court, and, if refractory, should be treated as a rebel.
As herefused to obey the citation, the king carried war into the estates of his vassal, and besieged him in the strong castle of Tintadiel.
Merlin transformed the king into thelikeness of Gerlois, and enabled him to have many stolen interviews with Igerne.
At length the Duke was killed in battle, and the king espoused Igerne.
From this union sprang Arthur, who succeeded his father, Uther, upon the throne.
Arthur Chosen King
Arthur, though only fifteen years old at his father's death, was elected king, at a general meeting of the nobles.
It was not done without opposition, for there weremany ambitious competitors; but Bishop Brice, a person of great sanctity, on Christmas eve addressed the assembly, and represented that it would well become them,at that solemn season, to put up their prayers for some token which should manifest the intentions of Providence respecting their future sovereign.
This was done, andwith such success, that the service was scarcely ended, when a miraculous stone was discovered, before the church door, and in the stone was firmly fixed a sword,with the following words engraven on its hilt:— 'I am hight Escalibore [Excalibur],.
Liens utiles
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