Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

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Roman The ancient goddess of flowers and plants, budding fruit, youth, and springtime. Flora's worship may have begun among the Sabine people, one of the many central Italian cultures, who brought her cult to Rome when they settled on the Quirinal Hill, one of the city's seven famous hills. Flora was often honored with Ceres, goddess of corn and Earth, and Tellus, a fertility goddess. Together, these three goddesses represented features of the more ancient Earth Mother, creator and guardian of all on Earth. Flora was also considered the female counterpart of Faunus, Roman god of fertility and nature. Her festival, the Floralia, arrived in the end of May in the Roman calendar. She was shown in statues and paintings wearing flowers. The word flora refers to the vegetation native to a region or area.

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