Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
(Fever) Roman The goddess of fevers.
The people of ancient Rome and the tribes and
people who lived nearby feared fevers for they
spread quickly and often caused epidemics. Writers
during the age of the Roman Republic and Empire
recognized that the people, fearing fevers, created
a goddess to whom they could offer sacrifices in an
attempt to ward off fevers and to protect loved ones
from illness and death.
In honor of Febris, ancient Romans built three
temples, all in heavily populated areas, where they
could offer such sacrifices. One stood on the Palatine
Hill, one on the Esqualine Hill, and one at the top of
a valley near the Quirinal Hill, which was one of the
most populated areas of Rome, and a part of the city
most threatened by diseases.