Excerpt from Pericles - anthology.
Publié le 12/05/2013
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To any.
Yet let me obtain my wish.
Helicanus draws a curtain revealing Pericles lying on a couch
Behold him.
This was a goodly person, Till the disaster that one mortal nightDrove him to this.
Sir King, all hail! The gods preserve you!Hail, royal sir!
It is in vain.
He will not speak to you.
Sir,We have a maid in Mytilene, I durst wager, Would win some words of him.
'Tis well bethought.She questionless, with her sweet harmonyAnd other chosen attractions, would allure,And make a battery through his deafened ports,Which now are midway stopped.She is all happy as the fairest of all,And with her fellow maids is now uponThe leafy shelter that abuts againstThe island's side.Exit Lord
Sure, all effectless; yet nothing we'll omitThat bears recovery's name.
But since your kindnessWe have stretched thus far, let us beseech youThat for our gold we may provision have,Wherein we are not destitute for want,But weary for the staleness.
O, sir, a courtesyWhich if we should deny, the most just GodFor every graff would send a caterpillar,And so inflict our province.
Yet once moreLet me entreat to know at large the causeOf your king's sorrow.
Sit, sir.
I will recount it to you.
But see,I am prevented.Enter Lord, with Marina and her companion
O, here's the lady that I sent for.Welcome, fair one! Is't not a goodly presence?
She's a gallant lady.
She's such a one that, were I well assuredCame of a gentle kind and noble stock,I'd wish no better choice, and think me rarely wed.Fair one, all goodness that consists in beauty,Expect even here, where is a kingly patient,If that thy prosperous and artificial featCan draw him but to answer thee in aught,Thy sacred physic shall receive such payAs thy desires can wish.
Sir, I will useMy utmost skill in his recovery, providedThat none but I and my companion maidBe suffered to come near him.
Come, let us leave her,And the gods make her prosperous.They withdraw
Marina sings.
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