EM Forster, A passage to India
Publié le 21/10/2012
Extrait du document
helpless victim, however, partially to retain her dignity and partially because she remains unsure of the actual
legitimacy of her charges.
Two significant forces trouble Adela: ___The first is her doubt that Aziz is guilty of the crime with which she has
charged him, and she even tells Ronny that she believes she has made a mistake.
Moore confirms this
doubt, definitively stating to Adela that Aziz is innocent.
Her statement contains great significance, for Mrs.
Moore serves as a paragon of behavior for Forster and the statement serves to shatter the atmosphere of
condescending tenderness that surrounds Adela.
Moore's statement that Aziz is innocent is a turning
point in the novel: it is the first time that anybody confronts Adela with the idea that she may be mistaken.
___ The second factor that concerns Adela is the state of Mrs.
She has been kept apart from Adela,
perhaps because she might serve as an advocate for Aziz.
However, during her separation from Adela Mrs.
Moore has become bitter and cynical; despite her status as perhaps the most moral character in A Passage to
India, Mrs.
Moore doubts her own virtue, considering herself to be in some sense evil.
Her actions, however,
demonstrate the contrary, as she opposes her son and confronts Adela with what she believes to be the truth.
Moore's conversation with Adela serves as a turning point for Mrs.
Moore as well as Adela.
It is here that
Moore breaks from her depression to take an active role in the story.
She reasserts herself as the moral
force in the story, a role that Adela's isolation and Mrs.
Moore's solipsism had forced her to abandon.
Ronny's realization that his mother must leave India is tainted with some degree of malicious self-interest.
seems to fear that she will interfere with the events of the trial by proclaiming Aziz's innocence and appears
ready to send his mother back to England where she cannot oppose his interests.
This is perhaps the most
disturbing evidence that Ronny and his colleagues are interested not in the facts of the case but in the larger
social ramifications.
Ronny is ready to manipulate his mother and secure the conviction of an innocent man as
part of Anglo-Indian politics.
Chapter 22 is essentially Adela's inner struggle.
The reader should note especially the many references to the
echo she keeps hearing, which disappears when she suddenly cries that Aziz is innocent.
Ronny does his best
to convince her that she is mistaken and confused, and that his mother's defense of Aziz is just as mistaken..
Liens utiles
- Point de passage : Juin 1944 : le débarquement en Normandie et l’opération Bagration
- : En quoi ce passage est-il une parodie des romans de chevalerie et une satire de la religion ?
- Expliquez le passage suivant du Voyage en Amérique de Chateaubriand ( 1791, publié en 1827) el relevez dans celle description d'une nuit passée dans la forêt vierge les traits caractéristiques nouveaux et qui annoncent le romantisme
- « Des Caractères » de La Bruyère Passage du Livre IX, « Des Grands »
- Dans le passage proposé, extrait des Pensées, de Pascal, philosophe et mathématicien français du XVIIeme siècle, qui a notament oeuvrer dans le domaine mathématique avant de sortir les Pensées.