Publié le 11/05/2013
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electronic circuits.
The resistors are made from carbon mixtures, metal films, or resistance wire and have two connecting wires attached.
Variable resistors, with anadjustable sliding contact arm, are often used to control volume on radios and television sets.
E Capacitors
Capacitors consist of two metal plates that are separated by an insulating material ( see Capacitor).
If a battery is connected to both plates, an electric charge will flow for a short time and accumulate on each plate.
If the battery is disconnected, the capacitor retains the charge and the voltage associated with it.
Rapidly changingvoltages, such as caused by an audio or radio signal, produce larger current flows to and from the plates; the capacitor then functions as a conductor for the changingcurrent.
This effect can be used, for example, to separate an audio or radio signal from a direct current in order to connect the output of one amplifier stage to theinput of the next amplifier stage.
F Inductors
Inductors consist of a conducting wire wound into the form of a coil.
When a current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is set up around it that tends to opposerapid changes in current intensity ( see Induction).
As a capacitor, an inductor can be used to distinguish between rapidly and slowly changing signals.
When an inductor is used in conjunction with a capacitor, the voltage in the inductor reaches a maximal value for a specific frequency.
This principle is used in a radio receiver, where aspecific frequency is selected by a variable capacitor.
G Sensing Devices and Transducers
Measurements of mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical quantities are made by devices called sensors and transducers.
The sensor is responsive to changes inthe quantity to be measured, for example, temperature, position, or chemical concentration.
The transducer converts such measurements into electrical signals, which,usually amplified, can be fed to instruments for the readout, recording, or control of the measured quantities.
Sensors and transducers can operate at locations remotefrom the observer and in environments unsuitable or impractical for humans.
Some devices act as both sensor and transducer.
A thermocouple has two junctions of wires of different metals; these generate a small electric voltage that depends onthe temperature difference between the two junctions.
A thermistor is a special resistor, the resistance of which varies with temperature.
A variable resistor can convertmechanical movement into an electrical signal.
Specially designed capacitors are used to measure distance, and photocells are used to detect light ( see Photoelectric Cell).
Other devices are used to measure velocity, acceleration, or fluid flow.
In most instances, the electric signal is weak and must be amplified by an electronic circuit.
Most electronic equipment requires DC voltages for its operation.
These can be provided by batteries ( see Battery) or by internal power supplies that convert alternating current as available at the home electric outlet, into regulated DC voltages.
The first element in an internal DC power supply is a transformer, which steps up or stepsdown the input voltage to a level suitable for the operation of the equipment.
A secondary function of the transformer is to provide electrical ground insulation of thedevice from the power line to reduce potential shock hazards.
The transformer is then followed by a rectifier, normally a diode.
In the past, vacuum diodes and a widevariety of different materials such as germanium crystals or cadmium sulfide were employed in the low-power rectifiers used in electronic equipment.
Today siliconrectifiers are used almost exclusively because of their low cost and their high reliability.
Fluctuations and ripples superimposed on the rectified DC voltage (noticeable as a hum in a malfunctioning audio amplifier) can be filtered out by a capacitor; the largerthe capacitor, the smaller is the amount of ripple in the voltage.
More precise control over voltage levels and ripples can be achieved by a voltage regulator, which alsomakes the internal voltages independent of fluctuations that may be encountered at an outlet.
A simple, often-used voltage regulator is the zener diode.
It consists of asolid-state p-n-junction diode, which acts as an insulator up to a predetermined voltage; above that voltage it becomes a conductor that bypasses excess voltages.More sophisticated voltage regulators are usually constructed as integrated circuits.
Electronic amplifiers are used mainly to increase the voltage, current, or power of a signal.
A linear amplifier provides signal amplification with little or no distortion, sothat the output is proportional to the input.
A nonlinear amplifier may produce a considerable change in the waveform of the signal.
Linear amplifiers are used for audioand video signals, whereas nonlinear amplifiers find use in oscillators, power electronics, modulators, mixers, logic circuits, and other applications where an amplitudecutoff is desired.
Although vacuum tubes played a major role in amplifiers in the past, today either discrete transistor circuits or integrated circuits are mostly used.
A Audio Amplifiers
Audio amplifiers, such as are found in radios, television sets, citizens band (CB) radios, and cassette recorders, are generally operated at frequencies below 20 kilohertz(1 kHz = 1000 cycles/sec).
They amplify the electrical signal, which then is converted to sound in a loudspeaker.
Operational amplifiers (op-amps), built with integratedcircuits and consisting of DC-coupled, multistage, linear amplifiers are popular for audio amplifiers.
B Video Amplifiers
Video amplifiers are used mainly for signals with a frequency spectrum range up to 6 megahertz (1 MHz = 1 million cycles/sec).
The signal handled by the amplifierbecomes the visual information presented on the television screen, with the signal amplitude regulating the brightness of the spot forming the image on the screen.
Toachieve its function, a video amplifier must operate over a wide band and amplify all frequencies equally and with low distortion.
See Video Recording.
C Radio Frequency Amplifiers
These amplifiers boost the signal level of radio or television communication systems.
Their frequencies generally range from 100 kHz to 1 GHz (1 billion cycles/sec = 1gigahertz) and can extend well into the microwave frequency range.
Oscillators generally consist of an amplifier and some type of feedback: The output signal is fed back to the input of the amplifier.
The frequency-determining elementsmay be a tuned inductance-capacitance circuit or a vibrating crystal.
Crystal-controlled oscillators offer the highest precision and stability.
Oscillators are used to.