Devil Wears Prada
Publié le 11/05/2011
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Eleven years after Miami Rhapsody, through several successful series, David Frankel realized his second American comedy, The Devil Wears Prada. Through the astonishing rise of Andrea Sachs in the fashion world, which she doesn’t know anything, the film revisits the stereotypes and the vices of Fashion’s world. Engaged as the assistant of the tyrannical businesswomen Miranda Priestly, Andrea, discovers the true meaning of the word "hell" ... A strange cult where god’s names are Prada, Armani or Versace ... this girl who is totally misplaced in this universe will undergo a metamorphosis that will push her up at the highest point to become the new Miranda that’s to say the new devil. With a devilish rhythm and a soundtrack were any title is left to chance: Devil wears Prada wouldn’t be like one of these American comedy perfectly calibrated if a bug with silver hair and a voice deliciously threaten had infiltrated this production. Two eyes, three movements, Meryl Streep propels this catchy comedy at the highest, including the wonderful Anne Hathaway’s help. As a general rule, with this cast, Devil wears Prada has only one goal: reach the best! Meryl Streep charms all kind of spectators, Anne Hathaway takes at once care with charming the men and becoming the one in which every girls identified themselves. These celebrities give an aspect of a “public catcher”. David Frankel’s films are expected to be watched by women, like with his “Sex and the city”. However, the stakes remain superficial for uncultivated of the fashion. We won’t be moved in front of a firework of shawls HERMES if we consider that a checked skirt is still fashionable. As regards to Andy Sachs, Anne’s feature, we may be bored by her low spirits for her job, when we see how exciting can be the world of fashion! Contrary to what we could think, Andy wears many black clothes. This black touch is a little sad and monotonous, but it shows the maturity that the young woman obtained, and it fits her so well! It goes without saying that the love story between her and a journalist is too much when we know that she has already a boyfriend, especially the story is enriched enough to dedicate itself only to the world of the work, without adding a love story that removes some credibility of the film.
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- DÉMON BLANC (Le) ou Vittoria Corombona [The While Devil or Vittoria Corombona]. (résumé & analyse)
- MINUSCULES de Manuel Gonzalez Prada - résumé, analyse
- The devil's home
- Ambrose Bierce: From the Devil's Dictionary (Sprache & Litteratur).
- González Prada Manuel , 1848-1918, né à Lima, écrivain péruvien.