Deoxyribonucleic Acid - biology.
Publié le 11/05/2013
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bacterium Escherichia coli .
In 1998 scientists achieved the milestone of sequencing the complete genome of a multicellular organism—a roundworm identified as Caenorhabditis elegans .
The Human Genome Project, an international research collaboration, was established to determine the sequence of all of the 3 billion nucleotide base pairs that make up thehuman genetic material.
In 2003 scientists completed the sequencing of the human genome.
The project identified nearly all of the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 genes inthe nucleus of a human cell.
The project also mapped the location of these genes on the 23 pairs of human chromosomes.
An instrument called an atomic force microscope enables scientists to manipulate the three-dimensional structure of DNA molecules.
This microscope involves laserbeams that act like tweezers—attaching to the ends of a DNA molecule and pulling on them.
By manipulating these laser beams, scientists can stretch, or uncoil,fragments of DNA.
This work is helping reveal how DNA changes its three-dimensional shape as it interacts with enzymes.
Research into DNA has had a significant impact on medicine.
Through recombinant DNA technology, scientists can modify microorganisms so that they become so-calledfactories that produce large quantities of medically useful drugs.
This technology is used to produce insulin, which is a drug used by diabetics, and interferon, which isused by some cancer patients.
Studies of human DNA are revealing genes that are associated with specific diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and breast cancer.
Thisinformation is helping physicians to diagnose various diseases, and it may lead to new treatments.
For example, physicians are using a technology called chimeraplasty,which involves a synthetic molecule containing both DNA and RNA strands, in an effort to develop a treatment for a form of hemophilia.
Forensic science uses techniques developed in DNA research to identify individuals who have committed crimes.
DNA from semen, skin, or blood taken from the crimescene can be compared with the DNA of a suspect, and the results can be used in court as evidence.
DNA has helped taxonomists determine evolutionary relationships among animals, plants, and other life forms.
Closely related species have more similar DNA than dospecies that are distantly related.
One surprising finding to emerge from DNA studies is that vultures of the Americas are more closely related to storks than to thevultures of Europe, Asia, or Africa ( see Classification).
Techniques of DNA manipulation are used in farming, in the form of genetic engineering and biotechnology.
Strains of crop plants to which genes have been transferredmay produce higher yields and may be more resistant to insects.
Cattle have been similarly treated to increase milk and beef production, as have hogs, to yield moremeat with less fat.
Despite the many benefits offered by DNA technology, some critics argue that its development should be monitored closely.
One fear raised by such critics is that DNAfingerprinting could provide a means for employers to discriminate against members of various ethnic groups.
Critics also fear that studies of people’s DNA could permitinsurance companies to deny health insurance to those people at risk for developing certain diseases.
The potential use of DNA technology to alter the genes ofembryos is a particularly controversial issue.
The use of DNA technology in agriculture has also sparked controversy.
Some people question the safety, desirability, and ecological impact of genetically altered cropplants.
In addition, animal rights groups have protested against the genetic engineering of farm animals.
Despite these and other areas of disagreement, many people agree that DNA technology offers a mixture of benefits and potential hazards.
Many experts also agreethat an informed public can help assure that DNA technology is used wisely.
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