Courrier-type - Relance pour impayé
Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs],
We regret to note that the fourth instalment of [montant] in the agreed schedule of payments to clear account [références] was not made on [date].
Therefore, we wish to remind you of our letter of [date], in which we draw your attention to the fact that we shall have no choice but to refer the case to our solicitors in the event of a missed payment.
We trust that you will immediately attend to this matter, so that we can avoid this unfortunate action.
We look forward to receiving your remittance no later than [date].
Yours sincerely
[votre nom]
[votre fonction]
Liens utiles
- Courrier-type - Troisième relance pour impayé
- Courrier-type - Relance pour impayé (action en justice éventuelle)
- Courrier-type - Relance pour impayé (proposition de délai)
- Première relance pour impayé (Lettre-type en anglais)
- Deuxième relance pour impayé (Lettre-type en anglais)