Connecticut - Facts and Figures.
Publié le 10/05/2013
Extrait du document

Native Americans 0.3 percent (2000) Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders less than 0.1 percent (2000) Mixed heritage or not reporting 6.5 percent (2000) Hispanics (of any race) 9.4 percent (2000) HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy 76.9 years (1989-1991) Infant mortality rate 6 deaths per 1,000 live births (2004) Residents per physician 274 people (2005) Residents per hospital bed 455 people (2005) Share of population not covered by health insurance 9.4 percent (2006) Number of students per teacher (K-12) 13.6 (2003) Government spending per student (K-12) $12,653 (2002-2003) Share of students attending private school 12.6 percent (1999) Share of people over age 25 with high school diploma 88 percent (2006) GOVERNMENTState governmentGovernor Jodi Rell (term ends January 2011) Legislature Senate, 36 members House of Representatives, 151 members National representationMembers of the U.S.
Senate 2 Members of the U.S.
House of Representatives 5 Electoral votes 7 ECONOMYGross state product (GSP) $204 billion (2006) Income per capita $45,506 (2004) GSP by economic sectorAgriculture, forestry, and fishing 0.2 percent (2004) IndustryConstruction 3.5 percent (2004) Manufacturing 12.2 percent (2004) Mining 0 percent (2004) Transportation and utilities 3.5 percent (2004) ServicesFinance, insurance, and real estate 29.8 percent (2004).
Liens utiles
- Wyoming - Facts and Figures.
- Wisconsin - Facts and Figures.
- Washington - Facts and Figures.
- West Virginia - Facts and Figures.
- Alberta - Facts and Figures.