Computer Security.
Publié le 11/05/2013
Extrait du document
might deny usage to legitimate users, and they ensure that information received from an outside source is expected and does not contain computer viruses.
Security software called intrusion detection systems may be used in computers to detect unusual and suspicious activity and, in some cases, stop a variety of harmfulactions by authorized or unauthorized persons.
Abuse and misuse of sensitive system and application programs and data such as password, inventory, financial,engineering, and personnel files can be detected by these systems.
The most serious threats to the integrity and authenticity of computer information come from those who have been entrusted with usage privileges and yet commitcomputer fraud.
For example, authorized persons may secretly transfer money in financial networks, alter credit histories, sabotage information, or commit bill paymentor payroll fraud.
Modifying, removing, or misrepresenting existing data threatens the integrity and authenticity of computer information.
For example, omitting sectionsof a bad credit history so that only the good credit history remains violates the integrity of the document.
Entering false data to complete a fraudulent transfer orwithdrawal of money violates the authenticity of banking information.
These crimes can be prevented by using a variety of techniques.
One such technique ischecksumming .
Checksumming sums the numerically coded word contents of a file before and after it is used.
If the sums are different, then the file has been altered. Other techniques include authenticating the sources of messages, confirming transactions with those who initiate them, segregating and limiting job assignments tomake it necessary for more than one person to be involved in committing a crime, and limiting the amount of money that can be transferred through a computer.
Organizations and businesses that rely on computers need to institute disaster recovery plans that are periodically tested and upgraded.
This is because computers andstorage components such as diskettes or hard disks are easy to damage.
A computer's memory can be erased or flooding, fire, or other forms of destruction candamage the computer’s hardware.
Computers, computer data, and components should be installed in safe and locked facilities.
Contributed By:Donn B.
ParkerMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved..
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- Computerspiele 1 EINLEITUNG Computerspiele, Form der Videospiele, die im Unterschied zu Konsolenspielen auf einem Personal Computer (PC) gespielt werden.
- PC (personal computer), sigle désignant à l'origine les micro-ordinateurs d'IBM et devenu l'appellation générique de cette classe d'ordinateurs.
- Computer - Informatik.
- Art of Computer Programming (The) - encyclopédie.
- Apple Computer Incorporated - encyclopédie.