Computer Memory.
Publié le 11/05/2013
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been created, information can be retrieved but not changed.
Newer technologies allow ROMs to be semi-permanent—that is, the information can be changed, but ittakes several seconds to make the change.
For example, a FLASH memory acts like a ROM because values remain stored in memory, but the values can be changed.
C External Memory
External memory can generally be classified as either magnetic or optical, or a combination called magneto-optical.
A magnetic storage device, such as a computer'shard drive, uses a surface coated with material that can be magnetized in two possible ways.
The surface rotates under a small electromagnet that magnetizes eachspot on the surface to record a 0 or 1.
To retrieve data, the surface passes under a sensor that determines whether the magnetism was set for a 0 or 1.
Optical storagedevices such as a compact disc (CD) player use lasers to store and retrieve information from a plastic disk.
Magneto-optical memory devices use a combination of opticalstorage and retrieval technology coupled with a magnetic medium.
C1 Magnetic Media
Memory stored on external magnetic media include magnetic tape, a hard disk, and a floppy disk.
Magnetic tape is a form of external computer memory used primarilyfor backup storage.
Like the surface on a magnetic disk, the surface of tape is coated with a material that can be magnetized.
As the tape passes over anelectromagnet, individual bits are magnetically encoded.
Computer systems using magnetic tape storage devices employ machinery similar to that used with analogtape: open-reel tapes, cassette tapes, and helical-scan tapes (similar to video tape).
Another form of magnetic memory uses a spinning disk coated with magnetic material.
As the disk spins, a sensitive electromagnetic sensor, called a read-write head,scans across the surface of the disk, reading and writing magnetic spots in concentric circles called tracks.
Magnetic disks are classified as either hard or floppy, depending on the flexibility of the material from which they are made.
A floppy disk is made of flexible plastic withsmall pieces of a magnetic material imbedded in its surface.
The read-write head touches the surface of the disk as it scans the floppy.
A hard disk is made of a rigidmetal, with the read-write head flying just above its surface on a cushion of air to prevent wear.
C2 Optical Media
Optical external memory uses a laser to scan a spinning reflective disk in which the presence or absence of nonreflective pits in the disk indicates 1s or 0s.
This is thesame technology employed in the audio CD.
Because its contents are permanently stored on it when it is manufactured, it is known as compact disc-read only memory(CD-ROM).
A variation on the CD, called compact disc-recordable (CD-R), uses a dye that turns dark when a stronger laser beam strikes it, and can thus haveinformation written permanently on it by a computer.
C3 Magneto-Optical Media
Magneto-optical (MO) devices write data to a disk with the help of a laser beam and a magnetic write-head.
To write data to the disk, the laser focuses on a spot on thesurface of the disk heating it up slightly.
This allows the magnetic write-head to change the physical orientation of small grains of magnetic material (actually tinycrystals) on the surface of the disk.
These tiny crystals reflect light differently depending on their orientation.
By aligning the crystals in one direction a 0 can be stored,while aligning the crystals in the opposite direction stores a 1.
Another, separate, low-power laser is used to read data from the disk in a way similar to a standard CD-ROM.
The advantage of MO disks over CD-ROMs is that they can be read and written to.
They are, however, more expensive than CD-ROMs and are used mostly inindustrial applications.
MO devices are not popular consumer products.
D Cache Memory
CPU speeds continue to increase much more rapidly than memory access times decrease.
The result is a growing gap in performance between the CPU and its mainRAM memory.
To compensate for the growing difference in speeds, engineers add layers of cache memory between the CPU and the main memory.
A cache consists ofa small, high-speed memory system that holds recently used values.
When the CPU makes a request to fetch or store a memory value, the CPU sends the request tothe cache.
If the item is already present in the cache, the cache can honor the request quickly because the cache operates at higher speed than main memory.
Forexample, if the CPU needs to add two numbers, retrieving the values from the cache can take less than one-tenth as long as retrieving the values from main memory.However, because the cache is smaller than main memory, not all values can fit in the cache at one time.
Therefore, if the requested item is not in the cache, the cachemust fetch the item from main memory.
Cache cannot replace conventional RAM because cache is much more expensive and consumes more power.
However, research has shown that even a small cache thatcan store only 1 percent of the data stored in main memory still provides a significant speedup for memory access.
Therefore, most computers include a small, externalmemory cache attached to their RAM.
More important, multiple caches can be arranged in a hierarchy to lower memory access times even further.
In addition, mostCPUs now have a cache on the CPU chip itself.
The on-chip internal cache is smaller than the external cache, which is smaller than RAM.
The advantage of the on-chipcache is that once a data item has been fetched from the external cache, the CPU can use the item without having to wait for an external cache access.
Since the inception of computer memory, the capacity of both internal and external memory devices has grown steadily at a rate that leads to a quadrupling in sizeevery three years.
Computer industry analysts expect this rapid rate of growth to continue unimpeded.
Computer engineers consider it possible to make multigigabytememory chips and disks capable of storing a terabyte (one trillion bytes) of memory.
Some computer engineers are concerned that the silicon-based memory chips are approaching a limit in the amount of data they can hold.
However, it is expected thattransistors can be made at least four times smaller before inherent limits of physics make further reductions difficult.
Engineers also expect that the external dimensionsof memory chips will increase by a factor of four, meaning that larger amounts of memory will fit on a single chip.
Current memory chips use only a single layer ofcircuitry, but researchers are working on ways to stack multiple layers onto one chip.
Once all of these approaches are exhausted, RAM memory may reach a limit.Researchers, however, are also exploring more exotic technologies with the potential to provide even more capacity, including the use of biotechnology to producememories out of living cells.
The memory in a computer is composed of many memory chips.
While current memory chips contain megabytes of RAM, future chips willlikely have gigabytes of RAM on a single chip.
To add to RAM, computer users can purchase memory cards that each contain many memory chips.
In addition, futurecomputers will likely have advanced data transfer capabilities and additional caches that enable the CPU to access memory faster.
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