Cape Verde - country.
Publié le 04/05/2013
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station and a submarine cable station at Mindelo still attracted many ships until World War I.
Trade increased again toward the middle of the 20th century.
In an attempt to avert growing nationalism, Portugal in 1951 designated its African colonies, including Cape Verde, as overseas provinces.
The provincial status gaveCape Verdeans access to higher education, but lack of job opportunities and poverty in the islands forced many of the educated to take administrative jobs on theAfrican mainland.
There they began to participate in growing nationalist movements.
Amílcar Cabral, a Cape Verdean, cofounded the African Party for the Independenceof Guinea and Cape Verde (known by its Portuguese acronym PAIGC) in 1956 in Portuguese Guinea (now Guinea-Bissau).
The party initiated an armed rebellion againstPortugal in the early 1960s.
For logistical reasons, the rebels did not attempt to disrupt Portugal's control of Cape Verde, which was used as a garrison for Portuguesetroops fighting on the mainland.
However, desire for independence among Cape Verdeans remained strong and many residents of the islands went to the mainland tojoin the rebellion.
A revolution in Portugal in 1974 sparked mass mobilizations in Cape Verde, which prompted the new Portuguese government to negotiate with the PAIGC.
Talksculminated in independence for Cape Verde on July 5, 1975, ending five centuries of Portuguese rule.
Although the original constitution envisioned eventual unificationwith Guinea-Bissau, a coup in that country in 1980 resulted in strained relations and the dropping of plans for unity.
In 1981 the PAIGC was dissolved and replaced by the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV).
A 1981 constitution made the PAICV the country's solepolitical party.
Under its first president, Aristides Pereira, Cape Verde was nonaligned in foreign policy but heavily dependent on Western aid.
Under pressure fromchurch and academic circles, reforms enacted in 1990 provided for the country's first free presidential election, won by Antonio Mascarenhas Monteiro in 1991.
A newconstitution enshrining the new multiparty system was adopted in 1992.
Mascarenhas, running uncontested, was reelected in February 1996 and his party, Movementfor Democracy (MPD), won a landslide victory in legislative elections.
In 2001 elections, the PAICV retook the majority of seats in the National Assembly, and PAICV candidate Pedro Pires was elected president.
Pires appointed José MariaNeves prime minister.
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- Cape Verde Facts and Figures.
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