book 1984
Publié le 14/01/2011
Extrait du document
I chose to speak about the book 1984. This futuristic novel takes place in London, capital of the first aerial region of Oceania, Eurasia and world power with Estasia. These three kingdoms are constantly at war. Oceania has undergone several revolutions since 30 years and also an atomic conflict. Oceania living under a dictatorship.
The party is controlled by a single invisible leader whose portraits are everywhere: Big Brother. However, the latter monitors every move of everyone, hence the slogan Big Brother is watching you, and it is symbol of the regime.
Liens utiles
- « 1984 » de George Orwell (première partie, chapitre 1) - commentaire
- The Book Thief Final version
- 1984 Georges Orwell
- COMMONPLACE BOOK (Notes) (résumé & analyse)
- TRAITÉ DU DÉSESPOIR ET DE LA BÉATITUDE, 1984 et 1988. André Comte-Sponville