Publié le 15/05/2013
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Birds need much less sleep than people do.
One seabird, called the sooty tern, can fly for years bytaking “naps” that last only a few seconds.
Most birds that live on land are active during the day and sleep at night.
Owls are just the opposite.They sleep during the day and hunt at night.
Birds usually sleep in shrubs, on tree branches, in holes in trees, or on the ground.
Most ducks sleep onthe water.
Many birds sleep while they are standing.
Many kinds of birds have only one mate.
First, a male bird has to get the attention of a female bird.Some males show off their beautiful feathers.
Male songbirds sing to attract females.
Most female birds lay their eggs in nests to protect them and keep them warm.
Some kinds of birdsbuild big, fancy nests.
Eagles build huge nests of sticks.
Many birds use holes in trees for nests.
Some birds warm their eggs without any type of nest at all.
The male emperor penguin keeps a singleegg on top of its feet under a fold of skin.
Birds hatch out of eggs.
They break the shell and hop out.
Baby songbirds and pelicans do not have anyfeathers when they are born.
They cannot see at first.
Their parents must feed them and keep themwarm.
Ducks and other baby birds are born covered with soft down.
They can feed themselves soon afterhatching.
Some kinds of young birds stay in the nest less than a day.
Some baby birds stay around the nest formonths.
Most birds do not survive longer than one year.
Many birds get sick and die.
Some cannot find enoughfood.
Some get eaten by other animals.
About one bird in ten lives longer than a year.
Scientists are not sure how long birds can live in the wild.They think that many small songbirds live 3 to 5 years.
But some albatrosses can live to be more than60 years old.
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Liens utiles
- Bird. I INTRODUCTION Bird, animal with feathers and wings. Birds are the only
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