Avis d'expédition (1)
Publié le 15/08/2010
Extrait du document
Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs], We have the pleasure to inform you that your order [références] of [date] has been processed and is currently awaiting loading onto the [bateau] which sails for [destination] on the 12th September and arrives in [ville] on 1st October. We send the necessary documents to [nom de la banque], our bank agents in Paris, right now, so that they can forward them to [banque du client] in [pays du client]. We have managed to get all the [produits] from stocks, except for [produits non disponibles], which we only had in smaller size. But we decided to include them in the consignment as you mentioned us that it was very important for you to have such items during Christmas season. However, we are ready to take these back if you are not satisfied with them. We have taken great care to see that each [product] has been packed as per your instructions which is in resistant wrapping paper. We hope that these products will reach you in perfect condition and will give your customers entire satisfaction. We thank you for your confidence in [société] and look forward to receiving further orders from you Yours sincerely [votre nom] [votre fonction]
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- Avis d'expédition